[flashrom] PMC25LV010E

The Raven originalraven at hotmail.com
Fri May 30 18:41:38 CEST 2014

Am 30.05.2014 16:48, schrieb Stefan Tauner:
> Hello!
> Thanks for the log. I think the engineers at PMC interpret JEDEC's
> "continuation code" in a very *unconventional* manner. The good thing
> is that your log somewhat corresponds with the datasheet. The attached
> patch should detect the chip correctly, which IMHO is a PM25LV010 (no E
> suffix). I could not find any hint that such a model exists... I think
> you read a trailing E as part of the model number although it is part
> of a lot number or something similar. Even if not... it seems to match
> the non-suffix model (probing) behavior and that's all that counts. :)
I have done a "quick test" and the patch works! I can read, write and
erase the
"E" chip. :-) Yes, it has an "E". Can i add a picture? Then you see it. ;-)
In the next days i do more tests with this chip. And i also test my other
"PM25LV010" witch was detected as "PM25LV010(A)". But on the chip is
no "A". Seems to be a strange thing this PMC-Chips...

THX for your work!

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