[flashrom] SPI modes for FT4232 chip

Stany MARCEL stanypub at gmail.com
Sat Oct 16 14:20:14 CEST 2010


I want to use the FT4232 or FT2232 (with libfti) as a SPI master.

Thanks to you I have a good example of SPI code with libftdi and this
device since you added it to your supported flasher.

I still don't know how to change some behavior of this component :

- Clock mode
Mode 0:  CPOL= 0  CPHA=0
Mode 1:  CPOL= 0  CPHA=1
Mode 2:  CPOL= 1  CPHA=0
Mode 3:  CPOL= 1  CPHA=1

- Data shift order, MSB or LSB First.

If you have any information on theses subject, I'm very interested.

Thanks in advance

Extract from FTDI Documentation :
For CPOL = 0, the base (inactive) level of SCLK is 0. In this mode:
 * When CPHA = 0, data will be read in on the rising edge of SCLK, and
data will be clocked out on the falling edge of SCLK.
 * When CPHA = 1, data will be read in on the falling edge of SCLK,
and data will clocked out on the rising edge of SCLK
For CPOL =1, the base (inactive) level of SCLK is 1. In this mode:
 * When CPHA = 0, data will be read in on the falling edge of SCLK,
and data will clocked out on the rising edge of SCLK
 * When CPHA =1, data will be read in on the rising edge of SCLK, and
data will be clocked out on the falling edge of SCLK.

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