[flashrom] Working Motherboard (out of the box): ASUS P6T Deluxe

Konstantin Matuschek Konstantin.Matuschek at stud.ifi.lmu.de
Thu Mar 11 03:09:52 CET 2010

Hi :-)

I was told to send this email on irc, so here it comes ;-)
Yesterday I flashed my Motherboard with Flashrom (first backed up with
-r, then flashed with -w), it worked out of the box. Note that the V2
Version of this Board, that is already listed on your support list, is a
different board and not just a revision (missing SAS, more SATA,
different Audio afaik).

Motherboard Name: ASUS P6T Deluxe
Motherboard Revision: (unknown, my graphics card hides the text and it's
quite difficult to remove it - probably there is only one revision)
Product Link:
Bios flashed from v1904 to v2101
Flashrom Version: 0.9.1
Operating System: Gentoo Linux, Vanilla Kernel 2.6.33

The output of flashrom -V, lspci -nnvvvxxx and superiotool -deV are
linked below, I also attached a file for each of these.

Thanks and greetings,

flashrom -V

lspci -nnvvvxxx

superiotool -deV

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