[coreboot] Thinkpad X230, Coreboot 4.7 + SeaBIOS 1.11.0 flashing, memtest86+ 5.01, fancontrol and WoL

Jan Malakhovski oxij at oxij.org
Mon Apr 23 18:07:38 CEST 2018

Martin Kepplinger <martink at posteo.de> writes:

>> In short: enable Wake On Lan on AC power in Lenovo BIOS, disconnect AC
>> and battery, insert live Ethernet cable, connect AC, Ethernet port
>> should go live (LEDs). Connect your external programmer _but leave
>> VCC/3.3V line disconnected_ (i.e. connect all the data lines and the
>> ground, but not the VCC). The Ethernet port is on the same power line 
>> as
>> MX chips, hence flashing with RPi/BBB with VCC disconnected will work 
>> as
>> with older models.
> I've flashed 4 or 5 of these, and on 1 or 2 the WoL powering would 
> simply not work.
> flashrom with spispeed 128 always did. Always set an SPI speed.

I tried exactly that, but my RPi 3 B+ is unable to feed the chips
anyway. With 1A USB power supply RPi's power LED goes out when attaching
to the mainboard (but, curiously, the RPi still responds over ssh),
flashrom doesn't work. And even when running on 2A Samsung USB power
supply with which the RPi feels ok when connected to the mainboard
flashrom still can't detect the chip.

Also the RPi voltage regulator is very poor, it gives 3.6V instead of
3.3V without a load and 2.9V when connected to the mainboard =/. So it's
too high at the moment you attach it and too low to drive the chips. I
prefer the WoL method.


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