[coreboot] greetings and laptop questions

Jim Hendrick james.r.hendrick at gmail.com
Sun Oct 8 17:06:22 CEST 2017

Just subscribed - I will mostly "lurk" but I do have a few questions for
the group.

I am looking at a new laptop, and one of my options is a Dell Precision
7510 (I like the quad-core and loads of RAM available) but I would like to
not use a vendor BIOS.

Has anyone put coreboot on one of these?

Anyone tried and failed?

Any recommendations for something similar (a good laptop ~15 in. quad-core,
32GB RAM and fast SSD storage)?
I will be running multiple virtual machines - hence the RAM and cores...

(I also am looking at system76 and Purism but I am bit leery of spending a
lot with a small / new company - comments appreciated)

Thanks all!

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