[coreboot] x86 : Puzzles about reset code

王翔 merle at tya.email
Wed Aug 16 05:03:13 CEST 2017

source code like this:
	.section ".reset", "ax", %progbits
.globl	_start
	.byte  0xe9
	.int   _start16bit - ( . + 2 )
	/* Note: The above jump is hand coded to work around bugs in binutils.
	 * 5 byte are used for a 3 byte instruction.  This works because x86
	 * is little endian and allows us to use supported 32bit relocations
	 * instead of the weird 16 bit relocations that binutils does not
	 * handle consistently between versions because they are used so rarely.


I tried to modify the code and passed test (use qemu test).
My code like this:
	.section ".reset", "ax", %progbits
.globl	_start
	jmp   _start16bit


What is the meaning of hand coding?  In 16-bit mode, the last two bytes are ignored.





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