[coreboot] Support for AMD family f17h in coreboot

Taiidan at gmx.com Taiidan at gmx.com
Sat Aug 5 01:01:12 CEST 2017

On 08/03/2017 11:00 AM, Аладышев Константин wrote:

> Hello!
> Is there any plans to support AMD family f17h processors in coreboot any
No :[
> time soon? Or it can be possible only if AMD will decide to provide AGESA
> code for this new cpu family and nobody here knows what will AMD do?
Yeah, AMD's ME ("PSP") means that it isn't owner controlled and you need 
their permission to modify the firmware.
Anyway it doesn't matter, if they continue to support coreboot they will 
probably do it like intel where the hardware init is done via a binary 
blob and coreboot is simply a wrapper layer providing no real security 
If you want owner controlled performance POWER is the only choice if the 
older owner controlled AMD opteron stuff is not good enough.
> Does AMD still support coreboot in any way?  What are chances that f17h
> processors will be supported by coreboot?
Unfortunately no.
You could call and politely request they do and make sure it gets noted 

It is a damn shame they closed AGESA, circa 2011 AMD was a cool company 
in regards to coreboot/open source - they provided documentation, code 
and hardware.

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