[coreboot] ECC RAM in coreboot-compatible X-series ThinkPads?

Sam Kuper sam.kuper at uclmail.net
Thu Apr 13 17:37:08 CEST 2017

IIUC, conventional ECC RAM requires support from both the motherboard
and the CPU. This support is not present in current
coreboot-compatible X-series ThinkPads (e.g. X60, X200, X201, X220,

There was a discussion on the coreboot mailing list a couple of months
ago about RAM modules from "I'M Intelligent Memory". That discussion
focused on the fact that they are 16GB in size.

Potentially more interesting, though, is that at least some modules
from that company offer *integrated ECC*, which provides ECC in RAM
without requiring support from either the CPU or the motherboard:


As I understand it, none of the modules from that manufacturer are
currently able to work in coreboot-compatible X-series ThinkPads, but
this did get me wondering:

- Are there any other manufacturers offering RAM modules with
integrated ECC that *are* compatible with those ThinkPads?

- Is there any other way to achieve ECC in coreboot-compatible
X-series ThinkPads? (E.g. use I'M Intelligent Memory 16GB ECC RAM
sticks but only address the first 8GB of each one?)

This is a shot in the dark, I know, but it seemed worth asking :)

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