[SeaBIOS] [PATCH 1/2] Don't pass return address to transition(32, 16, 16big) on stack.

H. Peter Anvin hpa at zytor.com
Wed Dec 8 02:14:11 CET 2010

First of all, sorry for the very late reply, however, I thought I really
ought to offer my perspective on this:

On 11/25/2010 06:24 AM, Kevin O'Connor wrote:
> It's difficult to have a uniform view of the stack when transition
> modes, so pass the return address in a register.  As a result, the
> transition functions only access memory via the %cs selector now.

I think this assertion is rather unfortunate, because my own experience
with thunking is that it is actually a very useful thing to have access
to the real-mode stack.

This is simply accomplished by computing a 32-bit register containing
the value (ss << 4) + sp, for example:

	movzwl	%sp, %eax
	movl	%ss, %ecx
	shrl	$4, %ecx
	addl	%ecx, %eax

This is particularly handy if there is a push/pop of the 16-bit register
set in the entry/exit sequence.  Furthermore, pushing the target address
onto the stack rather than stuffing it into a register allows a 32-bit
routine to have full access to the 16-bit register image, whereas
burning a register means that that register is going to have to be
handled differently.

In Syslinux I have this formalized so that the sequence:

	pushl	$func32
	callw	_pm_call

... turns into the C function call:

void func32(com32sys_t *regs)

... where com32sys_t is a structure which contains the 16-bit register

typedef struct {
    uint16_t gs;                /* Offset  0 */
    uint16_t fs;                /* Offset  2 */
    uint16_t es;                /* Offset  4 */
    uint16_t ds;                /* Offset  6 */

    reg32_t edi;                /* Offset  8 */
    reg32_t esi;                /* Offset 12 */
    reg32_t ebp;                /* Offset 16 */
    reg32_t _unused_esp;        /* Offset 20 */
    reg32_t ebx;                /* Offset 24 */
    reg32_t edx;                /* Offset 28 */
    reg32_t ecx;                /* Offset 32 */
    reg32_t eax;                /* Offset 36 */

    reg32_t eflags;             /* Offset 40 */
} com32sys_t;

This is simply the image created on the stack by the sequence (in NASM

                push ds
                push es
                push fs
                push gs

This has been shown to be amazingly versatile, especially since the
16-bit register image can be not just observed but written directly.

One can implement this either with or without a stack switch (to do so
without a stack switch, the protected-mode ESP is computed from SS:SP).
 However, since real-mode stacks tend to be very small -- often only a
few hundred bytes -- it is probably a bad idea.

In Syslinux this is actually implemeted in form of a lower-level
function which does indeed take an address in a register, so the two
approaches are not mutually exclusive.  The actual full implementation
of the _pm_call routine looks like (note: this code assumes CS = 0).

; _pm_call: call PM routine in low memory from RM
;       on stack        = PM routine to call (a 32-bit address)
;       ECX, ESI, EDI passed to the called function;
;       EAX = EBP in the called function points to the stack frame
;       which includes all registers (which can be changed if desired.)
;       All registers and the flags saved/restored
;       This routine is invoked by the pm_call macro.
                push ds
                push es
                push fs
                push gs
                mov bp,sp
                mov ax,cs
                mov ebx,.pm
                mov ds,ax
                jmp enter_pm

                bits 32
                section .textnr
                ; EAX points to the top of the RM stack, which is EFLAGS
                test RM_FLAGSH,02h              ; RM EFLAGS.IF
                jz .no_sti
                call [ebp+4*2+9*4+2]            ; Entrypoint on RM stack
                mov bx,.rm
                jmp enter_rm

                bits 16
                section .text16
                pop gs
                pop fs
                pop es
                pop ds
                ret 4           ; Drop entrypoint

The entire file including the enter_pm/enter_rm functions can be seen at:



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