[OpenBIOS] Loading a PCI Option rom.

Tarl Neustaedter tarl-b2 at tarl.net
Sun Dec 17 17:20:41 CET 2017

On 2017-Dec-17 11:00 , Jd Lyons wrote:
> 0 > load hd:,\ppc\6600.fcode  ok
> 0 > 4000000 400 dump
> 4000000  55 aa 40 00 00 00 00 00  00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00   
> U�@.............
> 4000010  00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00  20 00 00 00 00 00 00 00    ........
> .......
> 4000020  50 43 49 52 de 10 41 01  00 00 20 00 00 00 00 03   
> PCIR�.A... .....
> 4000030  84 00 00 00 01 80 00 00  00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00   
> �....�..........

That looks like stuff from a PCI option ROM. But you can't start at
4000020, that's still in the PCI header overhead.



Follow the code in locate-fcode and fcode-image? to find where the code
starts. From my recollection, this looks like the FCode is for a card
with vendor ID 10de and device ID 0141. It looks like the FCode should
start at 4000040, so that's the address you should feel into byte-load.

> 0 > 0 0 " 4,0" " /pci at 80000000" begin-package  ok
> 0 > dev /pci ls

That "dev" is harmful, it's taking you out of the PCI node, you need to
stay inside unnamed node. Don't do that.

> 0 > setenv focde-debug? true  ok
> 0 > 4000020 1 byte-load  ok

If this had worked with fcode-debug? set to true, I think you would
normally have gotten the name of the device printed out.

> 0 > dev /pci ls
This is again taking you out of wherever you had run the FCode.
> 0 > setenv fcode-debug? true  ok
> 0 > 4000020 1 byte-load
> byte-load: warning stack overflow, diff -3
>  ok
> 0 >

At this point, you're doing a second execution of the PCI header, and I
have no idea what "PCIR" does as FCodes. It undoubtedly got confused and
did something dumb.

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