[OpenBIOS] Local variable support

Programmingkid programmingkidx at gmail.com
Wed Aug 22 03:44:18 CEST 2012

The following code is for the use of local variables in OpenBIOS. I was able to successfully make a word that used local variables. The work isn't complete. There is still work to be done with the INTERPRET word. The LFIND word has be implemented in the INTERPRET word for local variables to be recognized during the compile state. I just need a C-like CONTINUE word to go back to the start of a loop to fix all my problems with INTERPRET. Maybe someone knows a better way of adding LFIND to INTERPRET. 

I would appreciate any comments, suggestions, or advice for the following code. 

\ Creates an array variable
: ARRAY ( cellCount - )
		CR ." Please specify an array size." CR
	\ Compile-time behavior
	CREATE CELL * ALLOT		\ creates and initializes the instance
	\ Run-time behavior	
		CR ." Please specify an index number." CR
		drop		\ removes the address of the array instance
		-1 throw	\ stop normal execution after error
	SWAP CELL * +	\ Calculates address to return 
; immediate

\ Declare the local-base-address VALUE
0 VALUE local-base-address

\ returns the base address used for the local words
: getBaseAddress ( - addr )

\ sets the base address used for the local words
: setBaseAddress ( addr -  )
	TO local-base-address

\ Sets the first local variable's value
: Local0!	( x - )
	0 CELL * getBaseAddress + !

\ Sets the second local variable's value
: Local1!	( x - )
	1 CELL * getBaseAddress + !

\ Sets the third local variable's value
: Local2!	( x - )
	2 CELL * getBaseAddress + !

\ Sets the fourth local variable's value
: Local3!	( x - )
	3 CELL * getBaseAddress + !

\ Sets the fifth local variable's value
: Local4!	( x - )
	4 CELL * getBaseAddress + !

\ Sets the sixth local variable's value
: Local5!	( x - )
	5 CELL * getBaseAddress + !

\ Sets the seventh local variable's value
: Local6!	( x - )
	6 CELL * getBaseAddress + !

\ Sets the eighth local variable's value
: Local7!	( x - )
	7 CELL * getBaseAddress + !

\ Sets the ninth local variable's value
: Local8!	( x - )
	8 CELL * getBaseAddress + !

\ Sets the tenth local variable's value
: Local9!	( x - )
	9 CELL * getBaseAddress + !

\ Sets the eleventh local variable's value
: Local10!	( x - )
	10 CELL * getBaseAddress + !

\ Sets the twelfth local variable's value
: Local11!	( x - )
	11 CELL * getBaseAddress + !

\ **** Calculates the needed amount of memory for local variables ****
0 value variableCount
: calculateNeededMemory ( "char" - n )
	0 TO variableCount
	>in @	\ keep track of where the pointer was	
		0= if			\ if there is no more text to parse
			dup " ;" comp 
			0= if		\ if the semicolon is encountered
				drop	\ drop the duplicated address 
				" }" comp 
				0= if		\ if '}' character is encountered
					true	\ end loop because '}' marks end of local variables 
					variableCount 1 + TO variableCount
	>in ! \ reset the pointer
	variableCount CELL *	

\ **** allocates the memory for local variables ****
: allocateMemory	( n - addr )
	alloc-mem dup 0= if 
		cr cr 10 spaces abort" Failed to allocate memory for local variables!" cr cr

\ Declares the size of the local variable table
48 CONSTANT localTableSize

\ Declare the local variable table
localTableSize ARRAY localVariableTable

\ Keeps track of end of array 
0 VALUE arrayCount

\ gets the number of records in the local variable table
: getLocalRecordCount
	arrayCount 4 /

\ Clears the local variable table
: initLocalTable ( - )
	\ free all the dynamically allocated memory
	arrayCount 0 ?do
		I 3 + localVariableTable @	( addr )
		free-mem	( ) 
	4 +loop
	0 localVariableTable localTableSize erase
	0 TO arrayCount

\ Adds a local variable symbol to the local variable table
: addLocal ( addr len order initflag -  )
	depth 4 < if
		cr ." The stack needs at least 4 values to add a local variable." cr
	\ add to the table
	arrayCount 0 + localVariableTable !		\ initflag
	arrayCount 1 + localVariableTable !		\ order
	arrayCount 2 + localVariableTable !		\ len
	arrayCount 3 + localVariableTable !		\ addr
	\ allocate memory for the symbol
	arrayCount 2 + localVariableTable @		( length ) 
	alloc-mem	( memaddr )
	dup			( memaddr memaddr )
	dup			( memaddr memaddr memaddr )
	\ called only when memaddr = 0
	0=			( memaddr memaddr flag )
		cr ." Failed to allocate memory in addLocal!" cr   ( memaddr memaddr )	
	\ copy local variable name to a safe location
	arrayCount 3 + localVariableTable @			( memaddr memaddr addr ) 
	swap										( memaddr addr memaddr )
	arrayCount 2 + localVariableTable @			( memaddr addr memaddr length )
	move										( memaddr )
	arrayCount 3 + localVariableTable !			( )
	\ increment arrayCount
	arrayCount 4 + TO arrayCount

\ prints the local variable table
: printLocalTable

	arrayCount 0= if
		cr ." No variables loaded" cr 

	arrayCount 0 ?do
		cr ." Variable name: " 
		I 3 + localVariableTable @ 
		I 2 + localVariableTable @
		."  Order: " 
		I 1 + localVariableTable @ .
		."  Init Flag: " 
		I 0 + localVariableTable @ .

\ Finds a local variable symbol in the local variable table
\ Returns its order or -1 on failure
: getOrder ( addr len - order ) 
	\ if the address and length are missing
	depth 2 < if
		cr ." Address and length are required on the stack to use getOrder!" cr
		-1 throw	\ ends execution

	arrayCount 0 ?do
		over ( addr len addr )
		I 3 +	( addr len addr addrindex )
		localVariableTable @    ( addr len addr addr1 )
		2 pick	( addr len addr addr1 len ) 
		comp	( addr len n )
		0=		( addr len flag )
		if		\ if the symbol is found
			2drop ( addr len - )
			I 1 + localVariableTable @ 
	4	\ increment the index by 4
	2drop ( addr len - )
	 -1		\ returns -1 for the order if the symbol is not found

\ **** read the local variables in the input stream **** 
0 VALUE useTopStackValue
0 VALUE index
0 VALUE localVariableMemory

: readLocalVariables  ( "char" - )
	0 TO index
	true TO useTopStackValue
	parse-word	( addr len )
	  dup		( addr len len )
	  0>		( addr len flag )
	while		( addr len )
		2dup	( addr len addr len )
		drop	( addr len addr )
		" }"	( addr len addr addr len ) 
		comp	( addr len flag )
		0=		( addr len flag )
		if		( addr len ) \  if end of local variables
			drop	( addr )
			drop	( )
			exit	( )
		2dup	( addr len addr len )
		drop	( addr len addr )
		" ;"	( addr len addr addr len )
		comp	( addr len flag )
		0=		( addr len flag )
		if		( addr len )		\ if not using top stack value for local variables
			false TO useTopStackValue	( addr len ) 	
		else						\ add local variable to table
			index useTopStackValue		( addr len order useTopStackValue )
			addLocal			(  )
			index 1 + TO index		\ increment index
	drop	( addr )
	drop	( )

\ FALSE VALUE usingLocals   \ not needed because it is in the interpreter.fs file

\ declare the local stack
1000 ARRAY localStack

\ declare the stack top pointer
0 VALUE localStackTop

\ Adds to the top of the local stack
: pushLocalStack ( x - L:x )
	localStackTop localStack ! ( x - )
	localStackTop 1 + TO localStackTop

\ Removes the top local stack value and places it into the data stack
: popLocalStack ( L:x - x )
	localStackTop localStack @	
	localStackTop 1 - TO localStackTop

12 CONSTANT localVariableLimit
\ ***** sets up local variables ******
: {		( "char"  - )
	\ localVariableLimit CELL *	( memorySize )
	calculateNeededMemory		( memorySize )
	allocateMemory				( memorySize - addr )
	TO localVariableMemory		( )
	readLocalVariables			( )
	TRUE TO usingLocals
	\ add code to the current definition 

	\ saves the old base address
	postpone getBaseAddress
	postpone pushLocalStack
	\ sets the base address to this definition's reserved memory 
	postpone literal
	postpone setBaseAddress
	\ add code to initialize the variables if needed
	arrayCount 0 ?do 
		I 0 + localVariableTable @		( flag )	\ get the init flag
		true				( flag true )
		=					( flag1 )
			I 4 /			( variable number )
				0 of ['] Local0! , endof
				1 of ['] Local1! , endof
				2 of ['] Local2! , endof
				3 of ['] Local3! , endof
				4 of ['] Local4! , endof
				5 of ['] Local5! , endof
				6 of ['] Local6! , endof
				7 of ['] Local7! , endof
				8 of ['] Local8! , endof
				9 of ['] Local9! , endof
				10 of ['] Local10! , endof
				11 of ['] Local11! , endof
				cr ." Can't save to local variable! " cr 
; immediate	   \ declares this word as a compiler directive

\ sets values for local variables
: ->	( - )
	parse-word ( addr len )
	getOrder ( order )
	dup		( order order )
	-1 =	( order flag )
	if	\ if the symbol isn't found
		cr ." Symbol is not a local variable! " cr
		drop	( )
		0 of ['] Local0! , endof
		1 of ['] Local1! , endof
		2 of ['] Local2! , endof
		3 of ['] Local3! , endof
		4 of ['] Local4! , endof
		5 of ['] Local5! , endof
		6 of ['] Local6! , endof
		7 of ['] Local7! , endof
		8 of ['] Local8! , endof
		9 of ['] Local9! , endof
		10 of ['] Local10! , endof
		11 of ['] Local11! , endof
		cr ." Can't save to local variable! " cr 
; immediate

\ returns the first local variable's value
: Local0@
	CELL 0 * getBaseAddress + @

\ returns the second local variable's value
: Local1@
	CELL 1 * getBaseAddress + @

\ returns the third local variable's value
: Local2@
	CELL 2 * getBaseAddress + @

\ returns the fourth local variable's value
: Local3@
	CELL 3 * getBaseAddress + @

\ returns the fifth local variable's value
: Local4@
	CELL 4 * getBaseAddress + @

\ returns the sixth local variable's value
: Local5@
	CELL 5 * getBaseAddress + @

\ returns the seventh local variable's value
: Local6@
	CELL 6 * getBaseAddress + @

\ returns the eighth local variable's value
: Local7@
	CELL 7 * getBaseAddress + @

\ returns the ninth local variable's value
: Local8@
	CELL 8 * getBaseAddress + @

\ returns the tenth local variable's value
: Local9@
	CELL 9 * getBaseAddress + @

\ returns the eleventh local variable's value
: Local10@
	CELL 10 * getBaseAddress + @

\ returns the twelfth local variable's value
: Local11@
	CELL 11 * getBaseAddress + @

\ determines if a symbol is a local variable
: LFIND	( addr len - )	
	depth 2 < if	\ if the address and length are not on the stack

	2dup		( addr len addr len )
	getOrder	( addr len addr len - addr len n )
	dup			( addr len n - addr len n n )
	-1 = if		\ if the symbol isn't a local variable
		drop	( addr len n - addr len )
	else	\ if the symbol is a local variable
			0 of ['] Local0@ , endof
			1 of ['] Local1@ , endof
			2 of ['] Local2@ , endof
			3 of ['] Local3@ , endof
			4 of ['] Local4@ , endof
			5 of ['] Local5@ , endof
			6 of ['] Local6@ , endof
			7 of ['] Local7@ , endof
			8 of ['] Local8@ , endof
			9 of ['] Local9@ , endof
			10 of ['] Local10@ , endof
			11 of ['] Local11@ , endof
			\ default case
			2drop ( addr len - )
			cr ." Could not compile local variable!" cr

		2drop ( addr len - )
		." compiled"	\ display this text when entering a local variable symbol

\ Redefine colon to clean up after {
: ;
	usingLocals TRUE = 
		FALSE TO usingLocals
		postpone popLocalStack
		postpone setBaseAddress
	postpone ; 
; immediate

' lfind is mydefer		\ makes lfind work in INTERPRET

\ ************ OVERWRITE THESE WORDS IN interpreter.fs ***************

Defer mydefer		

: interpret 
  0 >in !
    parse-word dup 0> \ was there a word at all?
	usingLocals if
		\ need to add a code to continue to the next iteration right here
      dup flags? 0<> state @ 0= or if
        ,             \ compile mode && !immediate
    else              \ word is not known. maybe it's a number
      2dup $number
        span @ >in !  \ if we encountered an error, don't continue parsing
        type 3a emit
	-13 throw
        -rot 2drop 1 handle-lit
    depth 200 >=  if -3 throw then 
    depth 0<      if -4 throw then
    rdepth 200 >= if -5 throw then 
    rdepth 0<     if -6 throw then

: print-status  ( exception -- )
  ?dup if
    dup sys-debug \ system debug hook
       -1 of s" Aborted." type endof
       -2 of s" Aborted." type endof
       -3 of s" Stack Overflow." type 0 depth! endof
       -4 of s" Stack Underflow." type 0 depth! endof
       -5 of s" Return Stack Overflow." type endof
       -6 of s" Return Stack Underflow." type endof
      -13 of s" undefined word." type endof
      -15 of s" out of memory." type endof
      -21 of s" undefined method." type endof
      -22 of s" no such device." type endof
      -100 of endof  \ local variable being used
      dup s" Exception #" type . 
      0 state !
    state @ 0= if
      s" ok"
      s" compiled"

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