[OpenBIOS] r745 - in dev/usb2/hcd: . ehci uhci

svn at openbios.org svn at openbios.org
Sun Dec 2 11:27:07 CET 2007

Author: wmb
Date: 2007-12-02 11:27:07 +0100 (Sun, 02 Dec 2007)
New Revision: 745

USB UHCI driver - Several fixes for the UHCI (USB 1.1) driver for compatibility
with Intel ICH7 and some full-speed devices.

Modified: dev/usb2/hcd/ehci/probe.fth
--- dev/usb2/hcd/ehci/probe.fth	2007-12-02 02:43:57 UTC (rev 744)
+++ dev/usb2/hcd/ehci/probe.fth	2007-12-02 10:27:07 UTC (rev 745)
@@ -40,6 +40,29 @@
    then  drop
+: grab-controller  ( -- error? )
+   hccparams@ 8 rshift h# ff and  dup  if    ( config-adr )
+      dup my-l@  h# 10001 =  if              ( config-adr )
+         h# 100.0000 over my-l!              ( config-adr )  \ Ask for it
+         true                                ( config-adr error? )
+         d# 100 0  do                        ( config-adr error? )
+            over my-l@ h# 101.0000 and  h# 100.0000 =  if
+               \ Turn off SMIs in Legacy Support Extended CSR
+               h# e000.0000 h# 6c my-l!      ( config-adr error? )
+               0 my-l@ h# 27cc8086 =  if
+                  h# ffff.0000  h# 70  my-l!  \ Clear EHCI Intel special SMIs
+               then
+               0= leave                      ( config-adr error?' )
+            then                             ( config-adr error? )
+            d# 10 ms                         ( config-adr error? )
+         loop                                ( config-adr error? )
+         nip exit
+      then                                   ( config-adr )
+   then                                      ( config-adr )
+   drop                                      ( )
+   false
 : power-usb-ports  ( -- )  ;
@@ -64,8 +87,14 @@
    open-count 0=  if
+      alloc-dma-buf
       first-open?  if
          false to first-open?
+         grab-controller  if
+            ." Can't take control of EHCI from underlying BIOS" cr
+            free-dma-buf unmap-regs
+            false exit
+         then
          0 ehci-reg@  h# ff and to op-reg-offset
@@ -74,8 +103,6 @@
-      alloc-dma-buf
    open-count 1+ to open-count

Modified: dev/usb2/hcd/hcd.fth
--- dev/usb2/hcd/hcd.fth	2007-12-02 02:43:57 UTC (rev 744)
+++ dev/usb2/hcd/hcd.fth	2007-12-02 10:27:07 UTC (rev 745)
@@ -60,6 +60,9 @@
 : my-w@  ( offset -- w )  my-space +  " config-w@" $call-parent  ;
 : my-w!  ( w offset -- )  my-space +  " config-w!" $call-parent  ;
+: my-l@  ( offset -- l )  my-space +  " config-l@" $call-parent  ;
+: my-l!  ( l offset -- )  my-space +  " config-l!" $call-parent  ;
 : map-in   ( phys.lo,md,hi len -- vaddr )  " map-in"   $call-parent  ;
 : map-out  ( vaddr size -- )               " map-out"  $call-parent  ;

Modified: dev/usb2/hcd/uhci/bulk.fth
--- dev/usb2/hcd/uhci/bulk.fth	2007-12-02 02:43:57 UTC (rev 744)
+++ dev/usb2/hcd/uhci/bulk.fth	2007-12-02 10:27:07 UTC (rev 745)
@@ -103,21 +103,24 @@
    bulk-in-qh my-speed insert-bulk-qh
+: bulk-in-actual  ( -- actual usberr )
+   bulk-in-td bulk-in-qh >qh-#tds l@ get-actual	( actual )
+   usb-error						( actual usberr )
+   bulk-in-td bulk-in-qh >qh-#tds l@ fixup-bulk-in-data
 : bulk-in?  ( -- actual usberr )
    bulk-in-qh 0=  if  0 USB_ERR_INV_OP exit  then
-   bulk-in-qh dup sync-qhtds
-   qh-done?  if
-      bulk-in-td bulk-in-qh >qh-#tds l@ get-actual	( actual )
-      usb-error						( actual usberr )
-      bulk-in-td bulk-in-qh >qh-#tds l@ fixup-bulk-in-data
-   else
+   bulk-in-qh dup sync-qhtds                            ( bulk-in-qh )
+   qh-done?  if                                         ( )
+      bulk-in-actual                                    ( actual usberr )
+   else                                                 ( )
       bulk-in-qh dup >hcqh-elem le-l@			( qh elem )
       1 ms  over sync-qhtds				( qh elem )
       swap >hcqh-elem le-l@ =  if			\ No movement in the past ms
-         bulk-in-td bulk-in-qh >qh-#tds l@ get-actual	( actual )
-         usb-error					( actual usberr )
+         bulk-in-actual                                 ( actual usberr )
          bulk-in-td bulk-in-qh >qh-#tds l@ fixup-bulk-in-data
       else						\ It may not be done yet
          0 usb-error					( actual usberr )
@@ -130,14 +133,16 @@
 : restart-bulk-in-td  ( td -- )
-   begin  ?dup  while
-      dup >hctd-token dup le-l@ TD_TOKEN_DATA1 invert and
-      bulk-in-data@  toggle-bulk-in-data  or  swap le-l!
-      dup >hctd-stat dup le-l@
-      TD_STAT_ANY_ERROR TD_ACTUAL_MASK or invert and
-      TD_STAT_ACTIVE or swap le-l!
-      >td-next l@
-   repeat
+   begin  ?dup  while                                 ( td )
+      toggle-bulk-in-data                             ( td )
+      dup >hctd-token                                 ( td &token )
+      dup le-l@  TD_TOKEN_DATA1 invert and            ( td &token value )
+      bulk-in-data@ or  swap le-l!                    ( td )
+      dup >hctd-stat dup le-l@                        ( td &stat value )
+      TD_STAT_ANY_ERROR TD_ACTUAL_MASK or invert and  ( td &stat value' )
+      TD_STAT_ACTIVE or swap le-l!                    ( td )
+      >td-next l@                                     ( td' )
+   repeat                                             ( )

Modified: dev/usb2/hcd/uhci/probe.fth
--- dev/usb2/hcd/uhci/probe.fth	2007-12-02 02:43:57 UTC (rev 744)
+++ dev/usb2/hcd/uhci/probe.fth	2007-12-02 10:27:07 UTC (rev 745)
@@ -4,17 +4,20 @@
+\ We mustn't wait more than 3 ms between releasing the reset and enabling
+\ the port to begin the SOF stream, otherwise some devices (e.g. pl2303)
+\ will go into suspend state and then not respond to set-address.
 : reset-root-hub-port  ( port -- )
-   dup >r portsc@ fff5 and 200 or r@ portsc!	\ Reset port
-   10 ms
-   r@ portsc@ fff5 and 200 invert and r@ portsc!
-   10 ms
-   r@ portsc@ fff5 and 4 or r@ portsc!		\ Enable port
-   20 ms
-   r@ portsc@ a or r> portsc!			\ Clear status
+   dup >r  portsc@ h# 20e invert and    ( value r: port )  \ Clear reset, enable, status
+   dup h# 200 or  r@ portsc!	        ( value r: port )  \ Reset port
+   d# 30 ms                             ( value r: port )  \ > 10 ms - reset time
+   dup r@ portsc!                       ( value r: port )  \ Release reset
+   1 ms                                 ( value r: port )  \ > 5.3 uS - reconnect time
+   h# e or  r> portsc!	                ( )  \ Enable port and clear status
 : probe-root-hub-port  ( port -- )
+   dup reset-root-hub-port
    dup portsc@ 1 and 0=  if  drop exit  then		\ No device-connected
    ok-to-add-device? 0=  if  drop exit  then		\ Can't add another device
@@ -39,7 +42,6 @@
    2 0  do
       i portsc@ h# a and  if
          i rm-obsolete-children			\ Remove obsolete device nodes
-         i reset-root-hub-port
          i ['] probe-root-hub-port catch  if
             drop ." Failed to probe root port " i .d cr
@@ -57,6 +59,7 @@
       first-open?  if
          false to first-open?
+         ?disable-smis
@@ -73,7 +76,7 @@
 : close  ( -- )
    open-count 1- to open-count
-   open-count 0=  if  free-dma-buf unmap-regs  then
+   open-count 0=  if  free-dma-buf  then  \ Don't unmap

Modified: dev/usb2/hcd/uhci/uhci.fth
--- dev/usb2/hcd/uhci/uhci.fth	2007-12-02 02:43:57 UTC (rev 744)
+++ dev/usb2/hcd/uhci/uhci.fth	2007-12-02 10:27:07 UTC (rev 745)
@@ -52,6 +52,10 @@
 : portsc@     ( port -- data )  2* 10 + uhci-w@  ;
 : portsc!     ( data port -- )  2* 10 + uhci-w!  ;
+: ?disable-smis  ( -- )
+   0 my-l@ h# 27c88086 =  if   h# af00 h# 80 my-w!  then
 : reset-usb  ( -- )
    uhci-reg dup 0=  if  map-regs  then
    4 usbcmd!			\ Global reset

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