Petazzoni Thomas thomas.petazzoni at enix.org
Fri Apr 7 23:54:13 CEST 2000

> >1. Can we setup a VESA 2 (not VESA 3 !) configuration (select video
> >mode, and everything) without making a int 0x10 ? We're programming a
> >protected mode OS, and switching to VM86 sucks. I know it's possible
> >with VESA 3, but with VESA 2 ?
> >If yes, do you have any docs about it ?
> I think it is NOT possible without INT 10.
> Have a look at Ralph Brown's Interrupt list:
> http://www.cs.cmu.edu/afs/cs.cmu.edu/user/ralf/pub/WWW/files.html
> and look at INT 10/AX=4F0A.
> >Is the int 0x10 VESA code specific to each graphic card ?
> No.

i can get the address of the 0x10 code in the IVT in real mode, right. so i get
this code, unassemble it to find the good functions to see how they work ....
and that's how to program VESA without int 0x10.

yours answers are strange !!!!

PETAZZONI Thomas, coordinateur du projet KOS 	thomas.petazzoni at ifrance.com
ICQ : 34937744
Home page : http://perso.worldonline.fr/petazzoni/thomas/
Home Page Projet KOS : http://kos.enix.org

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