Fwd: Holidays and a snapshot

Daniel Engstrom danne at lillfab.se
Tue Dec 22 15:49:16 CET 1998

Hello All!

Stefan have the snapshot (hopefully).


------ Forwarded message ------
    From: daniel.engstrom at riksnett.no
 Subject: Holidays and a snapshot
    Date: Tue, 22 Dec 1998 15:44:13 +0100 (CET)
      To: stepan at wesley.informatik.uni-freiburg.de
Reply-To: daniel.engstrom at riksnett.no

Hello Stefan,
It's been a while...

Anyway, I haven't had that much time for coding the last month or so,
(had to spend some time doing my day-job). But I have made some small
progress and since I will go away until Jan 9 99 I hereby present you
with a snapshot as of today. 

* Ali 1511 boots now. (See ugly hacks in boot/tools/build.c)
* An initial implementation of a memory allocator.
* A prototype runtime configuration mechanism. (A cross breed of
environment variables and the Linux command line) 
* Random stuff

Merry Christmas and Happy New year. 


Do you use MS Mail? If so please note that my email addresses are:
daniel at lillfab.se - Work related.  daniel.engstrom at riksnett.no - Private.

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