[flashrom] [PATCH] Add support for GD25VQ21B, GD25VQ40C, GD25VQ80C and GD25VQ16C

Hatim Kanchwala hatim at hatimak.me
Sun Mar 6 11:47:21 CET 2016


Whitespace and other issues have been fixed. Sadly, test status still remains untested due to delay in shipment of some components :( Shipment delivey has become unreliable so I will not be giving an estimate for that, but once it arrives, I will test and send patches the same day.

Stefan, this patch does not include some other changes you had introduced because I thought those changes were not related to the above commit message ;)

Thanks :)

Signed-off-by: Hatim Kanchwala <hatim at hatimak.me>
 flashchips.c | 159 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 flashchips.h |   5 +-
 2 files changed, 163 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)

diff --git a/flashchips.c b/flashchips.c
index 238389b..33df2a4 100644
--- a/flashchips.c
+++ b/flashchips.c
@@ -6285,26 +6285,65 @@ const struct flashchip flashchips[] = {
 				.eraseblocks = { {1024 * 1024, 1} },
 				.block_erase = spi_block_erase_c7,
 		.printlock	= spi_prettyprint_status_register_plain, /* TODO: improve */
 		.unlock		= spi_disable_blockprotect,
 		.write		= spi_chip_write_256,
 		.read		= spi_chip_read,
 		.voltage	= {2700, 3600},
 		.vendor		= "GigaDevice",
+		.name		= "GD25VQ21B",
+		.bustype	= BUS_SPI,
+		.manufacture_id	= GIGADEVICE_ID,
+		.model_id	= GIGADEVICE_GD25VQ21B,
+		.total_size	= 256,
+		.page_size	= 256,
+		/* OTP: 1536B total; read 0x48, write 0x42, erase 0x44 */
+		.tested		= TEST_UNTESTED,
+		.probe		= probe_spi_rdid,
+		.probe_timing	= TIMING_ZERO,
+		.block_erasers  =
+		{
+			{
+				.eraseblocks = { { 4 * 1024, 64} },
+				.block_erase = spi_block_erase_20,
+			}, {
+				.eraseblocks = { { 32 * 1024, 8} },
+				.block_erase = spi_block_erase_52,
+			}, {
+				.eraseblocks = { { 64 * 1024, 4} },
+				.block_erase = spi_block_erase_d8,
+			}, {
+				.eraseblocks = { {256 * 1024, 1} },
+				.block_erase = spi_block_erase_60,
+			}, {
+				.eraseblocks = { {256 * 1024, 1} },
+				.block_erase = spi_block_erase_c7,
+			}
+		},
+		.printlock	= spi_prettyprint_status_register_bp4_srwd, 
+		.unlock		= spi_disable_blockprotect_bp4_srwd, /* TODO: 2nd status reg (read 0x35) */
+		.write		= spi_chip_write_256,
+		.read		= spi_chip_read, /* Fast read (0x0B) and multi I/O supported */
+		.voltage	= {2300, 3600},
+	},
+	{
+		.vendor		= "GigaDevice",
 		.name		= "GD25VQ41B",
 		.bustype	= BUS_SPI,
 		.manufacture_id	= GIGADEVICE_ID,
 		.model_id	= GIGADEVICE_GD25VQ41B,
 		.total_size	= 512,
 		.page_size	= 256,
 		/* OTP: 1536B total; read 0x48, write 0x42, erase 0x44 */
 		.tested		= TEST_UNTESTED,
 		.probe		= probe_spi_rdid,
 		.probe_timing	= TIMING_ZERO,
 		.block_erasers  =
@@ -6324,26 +6363,146 @@ const struct flashchip flashchips[] = {
 			.eraseblocks = { {512 * 1024, 1} },
 			.block_erase = spi_block_erase_c7,
 		/* TODO: 2nd Status Register; read 0x35 */
 		.printlock	= spi_prettyprint_status_register_bp4_srwd,
 		.unlock		= spi_disable_blockprotect_bp4_srwd,
 		.write		= spi_chip_write_256,
 		.read		= spi_chip_read, /* Fast read (0x0B) and multi I/O supported */
 		.voltage	= {2300, 3600},
+		.vendor		= "GigaDevice",
+		.name		= "GD25VQ40C",
+		.bustype	= BUS_SPI,
+		.manufacture_id	= GIGADEVICE_ID,
+		.model_id	= GIGADEVICE_GD25VQ41B,
+		.total_size	= 512,
+		.page_size	= 256,
+		/* Supports SFDP; read 0x5A */
+		/* OTP: 1024B total; read 0x48, write 0x42, erase 0x44 */
+		.tested		= TEST_UNTESTED,
+		.probe		= probe_spi_rdid,
+		.probe_timing	= TIMING_ZERO,
+		.block_erasers  =
+		{
+			{
+				.eraseblocks = { { 4 * 1024, 128} },
+				.block_erase = spi_block_erase_20,
+			}, {
+				.eraseblocks = { { 32 * 1024, 16} },
+				.block_erase = spi_block_erase_52,
+			}, {
+				.eraseblocks = { { 64 * 1024, 8} },
+				.block_erase = spi_block_erase_d8,
+			}, {
+				.eraseblocks = { {512 * 1024, 1} },
+				.block_erase = spi_block_erase_60,
+			}, {
+				.eraseblocks = { {512 * 1024, 1} },
+				.block_erase = spi_block_erase_c7,
+			}
+		},
+		.printlock	= spi_prettyprint_status_register_bp4_srwd,
+		.unlock		= spi_disable_blockprotect_bp4_srwd, /* TODO: 2nd status reg (read 0x35) */
+		.write		= spi_chip_write_256,
+		.read		= spi_chip_read, /* Fast read (0x0B) and multi I/O supported */
+		.voltage	= {2300, 3600},
+	},
+	{
+		.vendor		= "GigaDevice",
+		.name		= "GD25VQ80C",
+		.bustype	= BUS_SPI,
+		.manufacture_id	= GIGADEVICE_ID,
+		.model_id	= GIGADEVICE_GD25VQ80C,
+		.total_size	= 1024,
+		.page_size	= 256,
+		/* Supports SFDP; read 0x5A */
+		/* OTP: 1024B total; read 0x48, write 0x42, erase 0x44 */
+		.tested		= TEST_UNTESTED,
+		.probe		= probe_spi_rdid,
+		.probe_timing	= TIMING_ZERO,
+		.block_erasers  =
+		{
+			{
+				.eraseblocks = { { 4 * 1024, 256} },
+				.block_erase = spi_block_erase_20,
+			}, {
+				.eraseblocks = { { 32 * 1024, 32} },
+				.block_erase = spi_block_erase_52,
+			}, {
+				.eraseblocks = { { 64 * 1024, 16} },
+				.block_erase = spi_block_erase_d8,
+			}, {
+				.eraseblocks = { {1024 * 1024, 1} },
+				.block_erase = spi_block_erase_60,
+			}, {
+				.eraseblocks = { {1024 * 1024, 1} },
+				.block_erase = spi_block_erase_c7,
+			}
+		},
+		.printlock	= spi_prettyprint_status_register_bp4_srwd,
+		.unlock		= spi_disable_blockprotect_bp4_srwd, /* TODO: 2nd status reg (read 0x35) */
+		.write		= spi_chip_write_256,
+		.read		= spi_chip_read, /* Fast read (0x0B) and multi I/O supported */
+		.voltage	= {2300, 3600},
+	},
+	{
+		.vendor		= "GigaDevice",
+		.name		= "GD25VQ16C",
+		.bustype	= BUS_SPI,
+		.manufacture_id	= GIGADEVICE_ID,
+		.model_id	= GIGADEVICE_GD25VQ16C,
+		.total_size	= 2 * 1024,
+		.page_size	= 256,
+		/* Supports SFDP; read 0x5A */
+		/* OTP: 1024B total; read 0x48, write 0x42, erase 0x44 */
+		.tested		= TEST_UNTESTED,
+		.probe		= probe_spi_rdid,
+		.probe_timing	= TIMING_ZERO,
+		.block_erasers  =
+		{
+			{
+				.eraseblocks = { { 4 * 1024, 512} },
+				.block_erase = spi_block_erase_20,
+			}, {
+				.eraseblocks = { { 32 * 1024, 64} },
+				.block_erase = spi_block_erase_52,
+			}, {
+				.eraseblocks = { { 64 * 1024, 32} },
+				.block_erase = spi_block_erase_d8,
+			}, {
+				.eraseblocks = { {2 * 1024 * 1024, 1} },
+				.block_erase = spi_block_erase_60,
+			}, {
+				.eraseblocks = { {2 * 1024 * 1024, 1} },
+				.block_erase = spi_block_erase_c7,
+			}
+		},
+		.printlock	= spi_prettyprint_status_register_bp4_srwd,
+		.unlock		= spi_disable_blockprotect_bp4_srwd, /* TODO: 2nd status reg (read 0x35) */
+		.write		= spi_chip_write_256,
+		.read		= spi_chip_read, /* Fast read (0x0B) and multi I/O supported */
+		.voltage	= {2300, 3600},
+	},
+	{
 		.vendor		= "Hyundai",
 		.name		= "HY29F002T",
 		.bustype	= BUS_PARALLEL,
 		.manufacture_id	= HYUNDAI_ID,
 		.model_id	= HYUNDAI_HY29F002T,
 		.total_size	= 256,
 		.page_size	= 256 * 1024,
 		.feature_bits	= FEATURE_EITHER_RESET, /* Some revisions may need FEATURE_ADDR_2AA */
 		.tested		= TEST_OK_PRE,
 		.probe		= probe_jedec,
 		.probe_timing	= TIMING_ZERO, /* Datasheet has no timing info specified */
 		.block_erasers	=
diff --git a/flashchips.h b/flashchips.h
index a109e94..ac1901f 100644
--- a/flashchips.h
+++ b/flashchips.h
@@ -368,27 +368,30 @@
 #define GIGADEVICE_GD25Q20	0x4012	/* Same as GD25QB */
 #define GIGADEVICE_GD25Q40	0x4013	/* Same as GD25QB */
 #define GIGADEVICE_GD25Q80	0x4014	/* Same as GD25Q80B (which has OTP) */
 #define GIGADEVICE_GD25Q16	0x4015	/* Same as GD25Q16B (which has OTP) */
 #define GIGADEVICE_GD25Q32	0x4016	/* Same as GD25Q32B */
 #define GIGADEVICE_GD25Q64	0x4017	/* Same as GD25Q64B */
 #define GIGADEVICE_GD25Q128	0x4018	/* GD25Q128B and GD25Q128C only, can be distinguished by SFDP */
 #define GIGADEVICE_GD25LQ40	0x6013
 #define GIGADEVICE_GD25LQ80	0x6014
 #define GIGADEVICE_GD25LQ16	0x6015
 #define GIGADEVICE_GD25LQ32	0x6016
 #define GIGADEVICE_GD25LQ64	0x6017	/* Same as GD25LQ64B (which is faster) */
 #define GIGADEVICE_GD25LQ128	0x6018
-#define GIGADEVICE_GD25VQ41B	0x4213
+#define GIGADEVICE_GD25VQ21B	0x4212
+#define GIGADEVICE_GD25VQ41B	0x4213  /* Same as GD25VQ40C, can be distinguished by SFDP */
+#define GIGADEVICE_GD25VQ80C	0x4214
+#define GIGADEVICE_GD25VQ16C	0x4215
 #define GIGADEVICE_GD29GL064CAB	0x7E0601
 #define HYUNDAI_ID		0xAD	/* Hyundai */
 #define HYUNDAI_HY29F400T	0x23	/* Same as HY29F400AT */
 #define HYUNDAI_HY29F800B	0x58	/* Same as HY29F800AB */
 #define HYUNDAI_HY29LV800B	0x5B
 #define HYUNDAI_HY29F040A	0xA4
 #define HYUNDAI_HY29F400B	0xAB	/* Same as HY29F400AB */
 #define HYUNDAI_HY29F002B	0x34
 #define HYUNDAI_HY29F002T	0xB0
 #define HYUNDAI_HY29LV400T	0xB9
 #define HYUNDAI_HY29LV400B	0xBA
 #define HYUNDAI_HY29F080	0xD5
Hatim Kanchwala
B. Tech. Electrical Engineering
Indian Institute of Technology Patna

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