[flashrom] using DLP-USB1232H/MinnowboardMAX, verification error. is it due to DP_IO3L in SPI header not connected ?
Sathish Kumar Balasubramaniam -ERS, HCL Tech
b-sathishkumar at hcl.com
Mon Apr 18 21:20:33 CEST 2016
I am trying to use DLP-USB1232H with flashrom for programming SPI flash in Minnowboard MAX.
I connected CS,SCLK,SO,SI (referred https://www.flashrom.org/FT2232SPI_Programmer).
I didn't connect WP# and HOLD# to VCC and not sure whether it is needed in minnowboard max.
I am not able to find where to connect DDP_IO3L in SPI header of Minnowboard MAX. i.e., to which pin in DLP-USB1232H
when I tried to execute "flashrom -p ft2232_spi:type=2232H,port=A" sometimes it does not detect the chip.
when I try again removing and reconnecting the USB wire, chip will get detected.
I am able to read the chip contents any time.
But when I try to write contents, it says done, but verification says error , content at ... not expected.
I tried reading again and checked. the content is not written properly.
Is this due to that I have not connected DDP_IO3L pin from minnowboard max ?
B.Sathish Kumar
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