[flashrom] [PATCH] Add support for S25FL128P and S25FL128P......0 chips.

Liviu Toma liviu.toma at gmail.com
Fri Jun 13 14:06:43 CEST 2014

Hi Stefan,

Thanks, I will test again tonight when I get home. The content of the
rog.bin was the same for both attempts.


On Fri, Jun 13, 2014 at 4:41 AM, Stefan Tauner <
stefan.tauner at alumni.tuwien.ac.at> wrote:

> Thanks for the test, there are two issues here. One is that I swapped
> the erase block sizes of the P models. This is clearly shown in your
> logs.
> The ...0 model should have 64 kB erase blocks, but does not:
> > Trying erase function 0... 0x000000-0x03ffff:EFAILED at 0x00010000!
> Expected=0xff, Found=0xe5
> 0x03ffff is 262143 in decimal... I have fixed that locally, but this is
> not the main problem here.
> The chip erase and the subsequent write should have worked, and your
> second try with the definition of the ...1 model too (because it
> contains the right block size). But both failed and I don't understand
> why yet. The first failed byte is equal in both cases but not all of
> them are (a different number of bytes fail in the two cases). This
> indicates that the behavior might be indeterministic. The contents of
> the "rog.bin" file were equal for both tries, right?
> What happens if you retry the second test again?
> /usr/src/flashrompatch/flashrom -p usbblaster_spi -o write2.log -c
> S25FL128P......1 -w rog.bin
> If you can not reproduce exactly the same output, i.e.
> Verifying flash... FAILED at 0x0000005b! Expected=0xd3, Found=0xfb, failed
> byte count from 0x00000000-0x00ffffff: 0xaf66ea
> Then we are on the right track. In that case I would ask you how the
> chip is connected exactly, especially how WP# and HOLD# are driven.
> PS: You dont need to install flashrom after recompiling. You can
> execute the built binary in the source directory (make; ./flashrom ...).
> --
> Kind regards/Mit freundlichen Grüßen, Stefan Tauner
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