[flashrom] AT25F512 recognized as AT25F1024

Chi Zhang zhangchi866 at gmail.com
Fri Apr 19 06:32:15 CEST 2013

在 2013年4月2日 星期二 15:19:25,Stefan Tauner 写道:
> Thank you very much for this information. I had to guess the device IDs
> because they are not mentioned in the datasheet.
> The AT25F1024A has 0x60, the AT25F512A has 0x65, the AT25F025B has
> 0x6500... but apparently assuming at least some sanity has failed to
> reflect the truth.
> So, according to your verbose log your AT25F512 has the same ID as the
> AT25F1024A (according to its datasheet). *sigh*
> Before I'll make some changes to the code I'll try to find someone with
> a AT25F1024 chip to test.

Bought an AT25F1024(without A) recently and tested.

Found a PCN from Atmel, stating that AT25F512's device code is 0x60, and the 
new AT25F512A's is 0x65:

Another interesting thing is that my AT25F512 can actually hold 128KBytes of 
data. I generated the test data from /dev/urandom and confirmed that it 
contains no repetitive patterns with lzma -9 (a fake 128KB "random" data file 
made up with two 64KB ones with same content can be compressed into ~65KB 
while mine can not). All bytes seems to be functional, I had zeroed out and 
erased the whole chip and I got 128KB 0x00 an 128KB 0xff. After a power cycle 
the random data written to the chip can be preserved.

Maybe some day I will buy a new & original AT25F512 and test whether it can 
hold 128KB data.

Photos of the chips:

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