[flashrom] [PATCH 2/2] convert general print messages to msg_g*

Sean Nelson audiohacked at gmail.com
Sat Mar 27 21:12:02 CET 2010

 cli_classic.c |   76 +++++++++++++++---------------
 flash.h       |    1 -
 flashrom.c    |  144 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++----------------------------
 layout.c      |   30 ++++++------
 print.c       |   74 +++++++++++++++---------------
 print_wiki.c  |   52 ++++++++++----------
 6 files changed, 188 insertions(+), 189 deletions(-)

diff --git a/cli_classic.c b/cli_classic.c
index 6cb0578..e99fa7c 100644
--- a/cli_classic.c
+++ b/cli_classic.c
@@ -27,79 +27,79 @@
 #include <string.h>
 #include <stdlib.h>
 #include <getopt.h>
 #include "flash.h"
 #include "flashchips.h"
 void cli_classic_usage(const char *name)
 	const char *pname;
 	int pnamelen;
 	int remaining = 0;
 	enum programmer p;
-	printf("Usage: %s [-VfLzhR] [-E|-r file|-w file|-v file] [-c chipname]\n"
+	msg_ginfo("Usage: %s [-VfLzhR] [-E|-r file|-w file|-v file] [-c chipname]\n"
               "       [-m [vendor:]part] [-l file] [-i image] [-p programmer]\n\n", name);
-	printf("Please note that the command line interface for flashrom will "
+	msg_ginfo("Please note that the command line interface for flashrom will "
 		"change before\nflashrom 1.0. Do not use flashrom in scripts "
 		"or other automated tools without\nchecking that your flashrom"
 		" version won't interpret options in a different way.\n\n");
-	printf
+	msg_ginfo
 	    ("   -r | --read:                      read flash and save into file\n"
 	     "   -w | --write:                     write file into flash\n"
 	     "   -v | --verify:                    verify flash against file\n"
 	     "   -n | --noverify:                  don't verify flash against file\n"
 	     "   -E | --erase:                     erase flash device\n"
 	     "   -V | --verbose:                   more verbose output\n"
 	     "   -c | --chip <chipname>:           probe only for specified flash chip\n"
 	     "   -m | --mainboard <[vendor:]part>: override mainboard settings\n"
 	     "   -f | --force:                     force write without checking image\n"
 	     "   -l | --layout <file.layout>:      read ROM layout from file\n"
 	     "   -i | --image <name>:              only flash image name from flash layout\n"
 	     "   -L | --list-supported:            print supported devices\n"
 	     "   -z | --list-supported-wiki:       print supported devices in wiki syntax\n"
 	     "   -p | --programmer <name>:         specify the programmer device");
 	for (p = 0; p < PROGRAMMER_INVALID; p++) {
 		pname = programmer_table[p].name;
 		pnamelen = strlen(pname);
 		if (remaining - pnamelen - 2 < 0) {
-			printf("\n                                     ");
+			msg_ginfo("\n                                     ");
 			remaining = 43;
 		} else {
-			printf(" ");
+			msg_ginfo(" ");
 		if (p == 0) {
-			printf("(");
+			msg_ginfo("(");
-		printf("%s", pname);
+		msg_ginfo("%s", pname);
 		remaining -= pnamelen;
 		if (p < PROGRAMMER_INVALID - 1) {
-			printf(",");
+			msg_ginfo(",");
 		} else {
-			printf(")\n");
+			msg_ginfo(")\n");
-	printf(
+	msg_ginfo(
 	     "   -h | --help:                      print this help text\n"
 	     "   -R | --version:                   print the version (release)\n"
 	     "\nYou can specify one of -E, -r, -w, -v or no operation. If no operation is\n"
 	     "specified, then all that happens is that flash info is dumped.\n\n");
 int cli_classic(int argc, char *argv[])
 	unsigned long size;
 	/* Probe for up to three flash chips. */
 	struct flashchip *flash, *flashes[3];
 	const char *name;
@@ -140,85 +140,85 @@ int cli_classic(int argc, char *argv[])
 		{"help", 0, 0, 'h'},
 		{"version", 0, 0, 'R'},
 		{0, 0, 0, 0}
 	char *filename = NULL;
 	char *tempstr = NULL;
 	if (argc > 1) {
 		/* Yes, print them. */
-		printf_debug("The arguments are:\n");
+		msg_gdbg("The arguments are:\n");
 		for (i = 1; i < argc; ++i)
-			printf_debug("%s\n", argv[i]);
+			msg_gdbg("%s\n", argv[i]);
 	if (selfcheck())
 	setbuf(stdout, NULL);
 	while ((opt = getopt_long(argc, argv, optstring,
 				  long_options, &option_index)) != EOF) {
 		switch (opt) {
 		case 'r':
 			if (++operation_specified > 1) {
-				fprintf(stderr, "More than one operation "
+				msg_ginfo("More than one operation "
 					"specified. Aborting.\n");
 			read_it = 1;
 		case 'w':
 			if (++operation_specified > 1) {
-				fprintf(stderr, "More than one operation "
+				msg_ginfo("More than one operation "
 					"specified. Aborting.\n");
 			write_it = 1;
 		case 'v':
 			//FIXME: gracefully handle superfluous -v
 			if (++operation_specified > 1) {
-				fprintf(stderr, "More than one operation "
+				msg_ginfo("More than one operation "
 					"specified. Aborting.\n");
 			if (dont_verify_it) {
-				fprintf(stderr, "--verify and --noverify are"
+				msg_ginfo("--verify and --noverify are"
 					"mutually exclusive. Aborting.\n");
 			verify_it = 1;
 		case 'n':
 			if (verify_it) {
-				fprintf(stderr, "--verify and --noverify are"
+				msg_ginfo("--verify and --noverify are"
 					"mutually exclusive. Aborting.\n");
 			dont_verify_it = 1;
 		case 'c':
 			chip_to_probe = strdup(optarg);
 		case 'V':
 		case 'E':
 			if (++operation_specified > 1) {
-				fprintf(stderr, "More than one operation "
+				msg_ginfo("More than one operation "
 					"specified. Aborting.\n");
 			erase_it = 1;
 		case 'm':
 			tempstr = strdup(optarg);
 		case 'f':
 			force = 1;
@@ -253,27 +253,27 @@ int cli_classic(int argc, char *argv[])
 						/* The continue refers to the
 						 * for loop. It is here to be
 						 * able to differentiate between
 						 * foo and foobar.
 			if (programmer == PROGRAMMER_INVALID) {
-				printf("Error: Unknown programmer %s.\n", optarg);
+				msg_ginfo("Error: Unknown programmer %s.\n", optarg);
 		case 'R':
 			/* print_version() is always called during startup. */
 		case 'h':
@@ -281,106 +281,106 @@ int cli_classic(int argc, char *argv[])
 	if (list_supported) {
 	if (list_supported_wiki) {
 	if (read_it && write_it) {
-		printf("Error: -r and -w are mutually exclusive.\n");
+		msg_ginfo("Error: -r and -w are mutually exclusive.\n");
 	if (optind < argc)
 		filename = argv[optind++];
 	if (optind < argc) {
-		printf("Error: Extra parameter found.\n");
+		msg_ginfo("Error: Extra parameter found.\n");
 	if (programmer_init()) {
-		fprintf(stderr, "Error: Programmer initialization failed.\n");
+		msg_ginfo("Error: Programmer initialization failed.\n");
 	// FIXME: Delay calibration should happen in programmer code.
 	for (i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(flashes); i++) {
 		flashes[i] =
 		    probe_flash(i ? flashes[i - 1] + 1 : flashchips, 0);
 		if (!flashes[i])
 			for (i++; i < ARRAY_SIZE(flashes); i++)
 				flashes[i] = NULL;
 	if (flashes[1]) {
-		printf("Multiple flash chips were detected:");
+		msg_ginfo("Multiple flash chips were detected:");
 		for (i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(flashes) && flashes[i]; i++)
-			printf(" %s", flashes[i]->name);
-		printf("\nPlease specify which chip to use with the -c <chipname> option.\n");
+			msg_ginfo(" %s", flashes[i]->name);
+		msg_ginfo("\nPlease specify which chip to use with the -c <chipname> option.\n");
 	} else if (!flashes[0]) {
-		printf("No EEPROM/flash device found.\n");
+		msg_ginfo("No EEPROM/flash device found.\n");
 		if (!force || !chip_to_probe) {
-			printf("If you know which flash chip you have, and if this version of flashrom\n");
-			printf("supports a similar flash chip, you can try to force read your chip. Run:\n");
-			printf("flashrom -f -r -c similar_supported_flash_chip filename\n");
-			printf("\n");
-			printf("Note: flashrom can never write when the flash chip isn't found automatically.\n");
+			msg_ginfo("If you know which flash chip you have, and if this version of flashrom\n");
+			msg_ginfo("supports a similar flash chip, you can try to force read your chip. Run:\n");
+			msg_ginfo("flashrom -f -r -c similar_supported_flash_chip filename\n");
+			msg_ginfo("\n");
+			msg_ginfo("Note: flashrom can never write when the flash chip isn't found automatically.\n");
 		if (force && read_it && chip_to_probe) {
-			printf("Force read (-f -r -c) requested, forcing chip probe success:\n");
+			msg_ginfo("Force read (-f -r -c) requested, forcing chip probe success:\n");
 			flashes[0] = probe_flash(flashchips, 1);
 			if (!flashes[0]) {
-				printf("flashrom does not support a flash chip named '%s'.\n", chip_to_probe);
-				printf("Run flashrom -L to view the hardware supported in this flashrom version.\n");
+				msg_ginfo("flashrom does not support a flash chip named '%s'.\n", chip_to_probe);
+				msg_ginfo("Run flashrom -L to view the hardware supported in this flashrom version.\n");
-			printf("Please note that forced reads most likely contain garbage.\n");
+			msg_ginfo("Please note that forced reads most likely contain garbage.\n");
 			return read_flash(flashes[0], filename);
 		// FIXME: flash writes stay enabled!
 	flash = flashes[0];
 	size = flash->total_size * 1024;
 	if (check_max_decode((buses_supported & flash->bustype), size) &&
 	    (!force)) {
-		fprintf(stderr, "Chip is too big for this programmer "
+		msg_ginfo("Chip is too big for this programmer "
 			"(-V gives details). Use --force to override.\n");
 		return 1;
 	if (!(read_it | write_it | verify_it | erase_it)) {
-		printf("No operations were specified.\n");
+		msg_ginfo("No operations were specified.\n");
 		// FIXME: flash writes stay enabled!
 	if (!filename && !erase_it) {
-		printf("Error: No filename specified.\n");
+		msg_ginfo("Error: No filename specified.\n");
 		// FIXME: flash writes stay enabled!
 	/* Always verify write operations unless -n is used. */
 	if (write_it && !dont_verify_it)
 		verify_it = 1;
 	return doit(flash, force, filename, read_it, write_it, erase_it, verify_it);
diff --git a/flash.h b/flash.h
index aee95a3..3d0d114 100644
--- a/flash.h
+++ b/flash.h
@@ -521,27 +521,26 @@ enum write_granularity {
 extern enum chipbustype buses_supported;
 struct decode_sizes {
 	uint32_t parallel;
 	uint32_t lpc;
 	uint32_t fwh;
 	uint32_t spi;
 extern struct decode_sizes max_rom_decode;
 extern char *programmer_param;
 extern unsigned long flashbase;
 extern int verbose;
 extern const char *flashrom_version;
 extern char *chip_to_probe;
-#define printf_debug(x...) { if (verbose) printf(x); }
 void map_flash_registers(struct flashchip *flash);
 int read_memmapped(struct flashchip *flash, uint8_t *buf, int start, int len);
 int erase_flash(struct flashchip *flash);
 struct flashchip *probe_flash(struct flashchip *first_flash, int force);
 int read_flash(struct flashchip *flash, char *filename);
 void check_chip_supported(struct flashchip *flash);
 int check_max_decode(enum chipbustype buses, uint32_t size);
 int min(int a, int b);
 int max(int a, int b);
 char *extract_param(char **haystack, char *needle, char *delim);
 int check_erased_range(struct flashchip *flash, int start, int len);
 int verify_range(struct flashchip *flash, uint8_t *cmpbuf, int start, int len, char *message);
 int need_erase(uint8_t *have, uint8_t *want, int len, enum write_granularity gran);
diff --git a/flashrom.c b/flashrom.c
index 2450dee..eb52661 100644
--- a/flashrom.c
+++ b/flashrom.c
@@ -341,27 +341,27 @@ struct shutdown_func_data {
 } shutdown_fn[SHUTDOWN_MAXFN];
 /* Register a function to be executed on programmer shutdown.
  * The advantage over atexit() is that you can supply a void pointer which will
  * be used as parameter to the registered function upon programmer shutdown.
  * This pointer can point to arbitrary data used by said function, e.g. undo
  * information for GPIO settings etc. If unneeded, set data=NULL.
  * Please note that the first (void *data) belongs to the function signature of
  * the function passed as first parameter.
 int register_shutdown(void (*function) (void *data), void *data)
 	if (shutdown_fn_count >= SHUTDOWN_MAXFN) {
-		msg_perr("Tried to register more than %n shutdown functions.\n",
+		msg_gerr("Tried to register more than %n shutdown functions.\n",
 		return 1;
 	shutdown_fn[shutdown_fn_count].func = function;
 	shutdown_fn[shutdown_fn_count].data = data;
 	return 0;
 int programmer_init(void)
 	return programmer_table[programmer].init();
@@ -500,56 +500,56 @@ char *extract_param(char **haystack, char *needle, char *delim)
 		if (strchr(delim, *(param_pos - 1)))
 		/* Continue searching. */
 		param_pos = strstr(param_pos, needle);
 	} while (1);
 	if (param_pos) {
 		param_pos += strlen(needle);
 		devlen = strcspn(param_pos, delim);
 		if (devlen) {
 			dev = malloc(devlen + 1);
 			if (!dev) {
-				fprintf(stderr, "Out of memory!\n");
+				msg_gerr("Out of memory!\n");
 			strncpy(dev, param_pos, devlen);
 			dev[devlen] = '\0';
 		rest = param_pos + devlen;
 		rest += strspn(rest, delim);
 		param_pos -= strlen(needle);
 		memmove(param_pos, rest, strlen(rest) + 1);
 		tmp = realloc(*haystack, strlen(*haystack) + 1);
 		if (!tmp) {
-			fprintf(stderr, "Out of memory!\n");
+			msg_gerr("Out of memory!\n");
 		*haystack = tmp;
 	return dev;
 /* start is an offset to the base address of the flash chip */
 int check_erased_range(struct flashchip *flash, int start, int len)
 	int ret;
 	uint8_t *cmpbuf = malloc(len);
 	if (!cmpbuf) {
-		fprintf(stderr, "Could not allocate memory!\n");
+		msg_gerr("Could not allocate memory!\n");
 	memset(cmpbuf, 0xff, len);
 	ret = verify_range(flash, cmpbuf, start, len, "ERASE");
 	return ret;
  * @cmpbuf	buffer to compare against, cmpbuf[0] is expected to match the
 		flash content at location start
  * @start	offset to the base address of the flash chip
  * @len		length of the verified area
@@ -557,36 +557,36 @@ int check_erased_range(struct flashchip *flash, int start, int len)
  * @return	0 for success, -1 for failure
 int verify_range(struct flashchip *flash, uint8_t *cmpbuf, int start, int len, char *message)
 	int i, j, starthere, lenhere, ret = 0;
 	int page_size = flash->page_size;
 	uint8_t *readbuf = malloc(page_size);
 	int failcount = 0;
 	if (!len)
 		goto out_free;
 	if (!flash->read) {
-		fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: flashrom has no read function for this flash chip.\n");
+		msg_gerr("ERROR: flashrom has no read function for this flash chip.\n");
 		return 1;
 	if (!readbuf) {
-		fprintf(stderr, "Could not allocate memory!\n");
+		msg_gerr("Could not allocate memory!\n");
 	if (start + len > flash->total_size * 1024) {
-		fprintf(stderr, "Error: %s called with start 0x%x + len 0x%x >"
+		msg_gerr("Error: %s called with start 0x%x + len 0x%x >"
 			" total_size 0x%x\n", __func__, start, len,
 			flash->total_size * 1024);
 		ret = -1;
 		goto out_free;
 	if (!message)
 		message = "VERIFY";
 	/* Warning: This loop has a very unusual condition and body.
 	 * The loop needs to go through each page with at least one affected
 	 * byte. The lowest page number is (start / page_size) since that
 	 * division rounds down. The highest page number we want is the page
 	 * where the last byte of the range lives. That last byte has the
@@ -594,36 +594,36 @@ int verify_range(struct flashchip *flash, uint8_t *cmpbuf, int start, int len, c
 	 * (start + len - 1) / page_size. Since we want to include that last
 	 * page as well, the loop condition uses <=.
 	for (i = start / page_size; i <= (start + len - 1) / page_size; i++) {
 		/* Byte position of the first byte in the range in this page. */
 		starthere = max(start, i * page_size);
 		/* Length of bytes in the range in this page. */
 		lenhere = min(start + len, (i + 1) * page_size) - starthere;
 		flash->read(flash, readbuf, starthere, lenhere);
 		for (j = 0; j < lenhere; j++) {
 			if (cmpbuf[starthere - start + j] != readbuf[j]) {
 				/* Only print the first failure. */
 				if (!failcount++)
-					fprintf(stderr, "%s FAILED at 0x%08x! "
+					msg_gerr("%s FAILED at 0x%08x! "
 						"Expected=0x%02x, Read=0x%02x,",
 						message, starthere + j,
 						cmpbuf[starthere - start + j],
 	if (failcount) {
-		fprintf(stderr, " failed byte count from 0x%08x-0x%08x: 0x%x\n",
+		msg_gerr(" failed byte count from 0x%08x-0x%08x: 0x%x\n",
 			start, start + len - 1, failcount);
 		ret = -1;
 	return ret;
  * Check if the buffer @have can be programmed to the content of @want without
  * erasing. This is only possible if all chunks of size @gran are either kept
  * as-is or changed from an all-ones state to any other state.
@@ -728,27 +728,27 @@ int need_erase(uint8_t *have, uint8_t *want, int len, enum write_granularity gra
  * Patterns 10-11 are special purpose for detecting subblock aliasing with
  * block sizes >256 bytes (some Dataflash chips etc.)
  * AND Pattern 8/9 == Pattern 12
  * AND Pattern 10/11 == Pattern 12
  * Pattern 13 is the completely erased state.
  * None of the patterns can detect aliasing at boundaries which are a multiple
  * of 16 MBytes (but such chips do not exist anyway for Parallel/LPC/FWH/SPI).
 int generate_testpattern(uint8_t *buf, uint32_t size, int variant)
 	int i;
 	if (!buf) {
-		fprintf(stderr, "Invalid buffer!\n");
+		msg_gerr("Invalid buffer!\n");
 		return 1;
 	switch (variant) {
 	case 0:
 		for (i = 0; i < size; i++)
 			buf[i] = (i & 0xf) << 4 | 0x5;
 	case 1:
 		for (i = 0; i < size; i++)
 			buf[i] = (i & 0xf) << 4 | 0xa;
 	case 2:
@@ -816,64 +816,64 @@ int generate_testpattern(uint8_t *buf, uint32_t size, int variant)
 			buf[i * 256 + 255] = i & 0xff;
 	return 0;
 int check_max_decode(enum chipbustype buses, uint32_t size)
 	int limitexceeded = 0;
 	if ((buses & CHIP_BUSTYPE_PARALLEL) &&
 	    (max_rom_decode.parallel < size)) {
-		printf_debug("Chip size %u kB is bigger than supported "
+		msg_gdbg("Chip size %u kB is bigger than supported "
 			     "size %u kB of chipset/board/programmer "
 			     "for %s interface, "
 			     "probe/read/erase/write may fail. ", size / 1024,
 			     max_rom_decode.parallel / 1024, "Parallel");
 	if ((buses & CHIP_BUSTYPE_LPC) && (max_rom_decode.lpc < size)) {
-		printf_debug("Chip size %u kB is bigger than supported "
+		msg_gdbg("Chip size %u kB is bigger than supported "
 			     "size %u kB of chipset/board/programmer "
 			     "for %s interface, "
 			     "probe/read/erase/write may fail. ", size / 1024,
 			     max_rom_decode.lpc / 1024, "LPC");
 	if ((buses & CHIP_BUSTYPE_FWH) && (max_rom_decode.fwh < size)) {
-		printf_debug("Chip size %u kB is bigger than supported "
+		msg_gdbg("Chip size %u kB is bigger than supported "
 			     "size %u kB of chipset/board/programmer "
 			     "for %s interface, "
 			     "probe/read/erase/write may fail. ", size / 1024,
 			     max_rom_decode.fwh / 1024, "FWH");
 	if ((buses & CHIP_BUSTYPE_SPI) && (max_rom_decode.spi < size)) {
-		printf_debug("Chip size %u kB is bigger than supported "
+		msg_gdbg("Chip size %u kB is bigger than supported "
 			     "size %u kB of chipset/board/programmer "
 			     "for %s interface, "
 			     "probe/read/erase/write may fail. ", size / 1024,
 			     max_rom_decode.spi / 1024, "SPI");
 	if (!limitexceeded)
 		return 0;
 	/* Sometimes chip and programmer have more than one bus in common,
 	 * and the limit is not exceeded on all buses. Tell the user.
 	if (bitcount(buses) > limitexceeded)
 		/* FIXME: This message is designed towards CLI users. */
-		printf_debug("There is at least one common chip/programmer "
+		msg_gdbg("There is at least one common chip/programmer "
 			     "interface which can support a chip of this size. "
 			     "You can try --force at your own risk.\n");
 	return 1;
 struct flashchip *probe_flash(struct flashchip *first_flash, int force)
 	struct flashchip *flash;
 	unsigned long base = 0;
 	uint32_t size;
 	enum chipbustype buses_common;
 	char *tmp;
@@ -914,78 +914,78 @@ struct flashchip *probe_flash(struct flashchip *first_flash, int force)
 			goto notfound;
 		if (first_flash == flashchips
 		    || flash->model_id != GENERIC_DEVICE_ID)
 		programmer_unmap_flash_region((void *)flash->virtual_memory, size);
 	if (!flash || !flash->name)
 		return NULL;
-	printf("Found chip \"%s %s\" (%d KB, %s) at physical address 0x%lx.\n",
+	msg_ginfo("Found chip \"%s %s\" (%d KB, %s) at physical address 0x%lx.\n",
 	       flash->vendor, flash->name, flash->total_size,
 	       flashbuses_to_text(flash->bustype), base);
 	if (flash->printlock)
 	return flash;
 int verify_flash(struct flashchip *flash, uint8_t *buf)
 	int ret;
 	int total_size = flash->total_size * 1024;
-	printf("Verifying flash... ");
+	msg_ginfo("Verifying flash... ");
 	ret = verify_range(flash, buf, 0, total_size, NULL);
 	if (!ret)
-		printf("VERIFIED.          \n");
+		msg_ginfo("VERIFIED.          \n");
 	return ret;
 int read_flash(struct flashchip *flash, char *filename)
 	unsigned long numbytes;
 	FILE *image;
 	unsigned long size = flash->total_size * 1024;
 	unsigned char *buf = calloc(size, sizeof(char));
 	if (!filename) {
-		printf("Error: No filename specified.\n");
+		msg_ginfo("Error: No filename specified.\n");
 		return 1;
 	if ((image = fopen(filename, "wb")) == NULL) {
-	printf("Reading flash... ");
+	msg_ginfo("Reading flash... ");
 	if (!flash->read) {
-		printf("FAILED!\n");
-		fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: flashrom has no read function for this flash chip.\n");
+		msg_ginfo("FAILED!\n");
+		msg_gerr("ERROR: flashrom has no read function for this flash chip.\n");
 		return 1;
 	} else
 		flash->read(flash, buf, 0, size);
 	numbytes = fwrite(buf, 1, size, image);
-	printf("%s.\n", numbytes == size ? "done" : "FAILED");
+	msg_ginfo("%s.\n", numbytes == size ? "done" : "FAILED");
 	if (numbytes != size)
 		return 1;
 	return 0;
 /* This function shares a lot of its structure with erase_flash().
  * Even if an error is found, the function will keep going and check the rest.
 int selfcheck_eraseblocks(struct flashchip *flash)
 	int i, j, k;
 	int ret = 0;
@@ -1007,27 +1007,27 @@ int selfcheck_eraseblocks(struct flashchip *flash)
 			if (!eraser.eraseblocks[i].count &&
 			    eraser.eraseblocks[i].size) {
 				msg_gerr("ERROR: Flash chip %s erase function "
 					"%i region %i has count 0. Please report"
 					" a bug at flashrom at flashrom.org\n",
 					flash->name, k, i);
 				ret = 1;
 			done += eraser.eraseblocks[i].count *
 		/* Empty eraseblock definition with erase function.  */
 		if (!done && eraser.block_erase)
-			msg_pspew("Strange: Empty eraseblock definition with "
+			msg_gspew("Strange: Empty eraseblock definition with "
 				"non-empty erase function. Not an error.\n");
 		if (!done)
 		if (done != flash->total_size * 1024) {
 			msg_gerr("ERROR: Flash chip %s erase function %i "
 				"region walking resulted in 0x%06x bytes total,"
 				" expected 0x%06x bytes. Please report a bug at"
 				" flashrom at flashrom.org\n", flash->name, k,
 				done, flash->total_size * 1024);
 			ret = 1;
 		if (!eraser.block_erase)
@@ -1044,106 +1044,106 @@ int selfcheck_eraseblocks(struct flashchip *flash)
 					flash->name, k, j);
 				ret = 1;
 	return ret;
 int erase_flash(struct flashchip *flash)
 	int i, j, k, ret = 0, found = 0;
 	unsigned int start, len;
-	printf("Erasing flash chip... ");
+	msg_ginfo("Erasing flash chip... ");
 	for (k = 0; k < NUM_ERASEFUNCTIONS; k++) {
 		unsigned int done = 0;
 		struct block_eraser eraser = flash->block_erasers[k];
-		printf_debug("Looking at blockwise erase function %i... ", k);
+		msg_gdbg("Looking at blockwise erase function %i... ", k);
 		if (!eraser.block_erase && !eraser.eraseblocks[0].count) {
-			printf_debug("not defined. "
+			msg_gdbg("not defined. "
 				"Looking for another erase function.\n");
 		if (!eraser.block_erase && eraser.eraseblocks[0].count) {
-			printf_debug("eraseblock layout is known, but no "
+			msg_gdbg("eraseblock layout is known, but no "
 				"matching block erase function found. "
 				"Looking for another erase function.\n");
 		if (eraser.block_erase && !eraser.eraseblocks[0].count) {
-			printf_debug("block erase function found, but "
+			msg_gdbg("block erase function found, but "
 				"eraseblock layout is unknown. "
 				"Looking for another erase function.\n");
 		found = 1;
-		printf_debug("trying... ");
+		msg_gdbg("trying... ");
 		for (i = 0; i < NUM_ERASEREGIONS; i++) {
 			/* count==0 for all automatically initialized array
 			 * members so the loop below won't be executed for them.
 			for (j = 0; j < eraser.eraseblocks[i].count; j++) {
 				start = done + eraser.eraseblocks[i].size * j;
 				len = eraser.eraseblocks[i].size;
-				printf_debug("0x%06x-0x%06x, ", start,
+				msg_gdbg("0x%06x-0x%06x, ", start,
 					     start + len - 1);
 				ret = eraser.block_erase(flash, start, len);
 				if (ret)
 			if (ret)
 			done += eraser.eraseblocks[i].count *
-		printf_debug("\n");
+		msg_gdbg("\n");
 		/* If everything is OK, don't try another erase function. */
 		if (!ret)
 	if (!found) {
-		fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: flashrom has no erase function for this flash chip.\n");
+		msg_gerr("ERROR: flashrom has no erase function for this flash chip.\n");
 		return 1;
 	if (ret) {
-		fprintf(stderr, "FAILED!\n");
+		msg_gerr("FAILED!\n");
 	} else {
-		printf("SUCCESS.\n");
+		msg_ginfo("SUCCESS.\n");
 	return ret;
 void emergency_help_message(void)
-	fprintf(stderr, "Your flash chip is in an unknown state.\n"
+	msg_gerr("Your flash chip is in an unknown state.\n"
 		"Get help on IRC at irc.freenode.net (channel #flashrom) or\n"
 		"mail flashrom at flashrom.org!\n--------------------"
 /* The way to go if you want a delimited list of programmers*/
 void list_programmers(char *delim)
 	enum programmer p;
 	for (p = 0; p < PROGRAMMER_INVALID; p++) {
-		printf("%s", programmer_table[p].name);
+		msg_ginfo("%s", programmer_table[p].name);
 		if (p < PROGRAMMER_INVALID - 1)
-			printf("%s", delim);
+			msg_ginfo("%s", delim);
-	printf("\n");	
+	msg_ginfo("\n");	
 void print_sysinfo(void)
 #if HAVE_UTSNAME == 1
 	struct utsname osinfo;
 	msg_ginfo(" on %s %s (%s)", osinfo.sysname, osinfo.release,
 	msg_ginfo(" on unknown machine");
@@ -1162,91 +1162,91 @@ void print_sysinfo(void)
 #ifdef __VERSION__
 	msg_ginfo(" %s", __VERSION__);
 	msg_ginfo(" unknown version");
 	msg_ginfo(" unknown compiler");
 void print_version(void)
-	printf("flashrom v%s", flashrom_version);
+	msg_ginfo("flashrom v%s\n", flashrom_version);
 int selfcheck(void)
 	int ret = 0;
 	struct flashchip *flash;
 	/* Safety check. Instead of aborting after the first error, check
 	 * if more errors exist.
 	if (ARRAY_SIZE(programmer_table) - 1 != PROGRAMMER_INVALID) {
-		fprintf(stderr, "Programmer table miscompilation!\n");
+		msg_gerr("Programmer table miscompilation!\n");
 		ret = 1;
 	if (spi_programmer_count - 1 != SPI_CONTROLLER_INVALID) {
-		fprintf(stderr, "SPI programmer table miscompilation!\n");
+		msg_gerr("SPI programmer table miscompilation!\n");
 		ret = 1;
 	if (bitbang_spi_master_count - 1 != BITBANG_SPI_INVALID) {
-		fprintf(stderr, "Bitbanging SPI master table miscompilation!\n");
+		msg_gerr("Bitbanging SPI master table miscompilation!\n");
 		ret = 1;
 	for (flash = flashchips; flash && flash->name; flash++)
 		if (selfcheck_eraseblocks(flash))
 			ret = 1;
 	return ret;
 void check_chip_supported(struct flashchip *flash)
 	if (TEST_OK_MASK != (flash->tested & TEST_OK_MASK)) {
-		printf("===\n");
+		msg_ginfo("===\n");
 		if (flash->tested & TEST_BAD_MASK) {
-			printf("This flash part has status NOT WORKING for operations:");
+			msg_ginfo("This flash part has status NOT WORKING for operations:");
 			if (flash->tested & TEST_BAD_PROBE)
-				printf(" PROBE");
+				msg_ginfo(" PROBE");
 			if (flash->tested & TEST_BAD_READ)
-				printf(" READ");
+				msg_ginfo(" READ");
 			if (flash->tested & TEST_BAD_ERASE)
-				printf(" ERASE");
+				msg_ginfo(" ERASE");
 			if (flash->tested & TEST_BAD_WRITE)
-				printf(" WRITE");
-			printf("\n");
+				msg_ginfo(" WRITE");
+			msg_ginfo("\n");
 		if ((!(flash->tested & TEST_BAD_PROBE) && !(flash->tested & TEST_OK_PROBE)) ||
 		    (!(flash->tested & TEST_BAD_READ) && !(flash->tested & TEST_OK_READ)) ||
 		    (!(flash->tested & TEST_BAD_ERASE) && !(flash->tested & TEST_OK_ERASE)) ||
 		    (!(flash->tested & TEST_BAD_WRITE) && !(flash->tested & TEST_OK_WRITE))) {
-			printf("This flash part has status UNTESTED for operations:");
+			msg_ginfo("This flash part has status UNTESTED for operations:");
 			if (!(flash->tested & TEST_BAD_PROBE) && !(flash->tested & TEST_OK_PROBE))
-				printf(" PROBE");
+				msg_ginfo(" PROBE");
 			if (!(flash->tested & TEST_BAD_READ) && !(flash->tested & TEST_OK_READ))
-				printf(" READ");
+				msg_ginfo(" READ");
 			if (!(flash->tested & TEST_BAD_ERASE) && !(flash->tested & TEST_OK_ERASE))
-				printf(" ERASE");
+				msg_ginfo(" ERASE");
 			if (!(flash->tested & TEST_BAD_WRITE) && !(flash->tested & TEST_OK_WRITE))
-				printf(" WRITE");
-			printf("\n");
+				msg_ginfo(" WRITE");
+			msg_ginfo("\n");
 		/* FIXME: This message is designed towards CLI users. */
-		printf("Please email a report to flashrom at flashrom.org if any "
+		msg_ginfo("Please email a report to flashrom at flashrom.org if any "
 		       "of the above operations\nwork correctly for you with "
 		       "this flash part. Please include the flashrom\noutput "
 		       "with the additional -V option for all operations you "
 		       "tested (-V, -rV,\n-wV, -EV), and mention which "
 		       "mainboard or programmer you tested.\nThanks for your "
 int main(int argc, char *argv[])
 	return cli_classic(argc, argv);
@@ -1257,127 +1257,127 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[])
 int doit(struct flashchip *flash, int force, char *filename, int read_it, int write_it, int erase_it, int verify_it)
 	uint8_t *buf;
 	unsigned long numbytes;
 	FILE *image;
 	int ret = 0;
 	unsigned long size;
 	size = flash->total_size * 1024;
 	buf = (uint8_t *) calloc(size, sizeof(char));
 	if (erase_it) {
 		if (flash->tested & TEST_BAD_ERASE) {
-			fprintf(stderr, "Erase is not working on this chip. ");
+			msg_gerr("Erase is not working on this chip. ");
 			if (!force) {
-				fprintf(stderr, "Aborting.\n");
+				msg_gerr("Aborting.\n");
 				return 1;
 			} else {
-				fprintf(stderr, "Continuing anyway.\n");
+				msg_gerr("Continuing anyway.\n");
 		if (flash->unlock)
 		if (erase_flash(flash)) {
 			return 1;
 	} else if (read_it) {
 		if (flash->unlock)
 		if (read_flash(flash, filename)) {
 			return 1;
 	} else {
 		struct stat image_stat;
 		if (flash->unlock)
 		if (flash->tested & TEST_BAD_ERASE) {
-			fprintf(stderr, "Erase is not working on this chip "
+			msg_gerr("Erase is not working on this chip "
 				"and erase is needed for write. ");
 			if (!force) {
-				fprintf(stderr, "Aborting.\n");
+				msg_gerr("Aborting.\n");
 				return 1;
 			} else {
-				fprintf(stderr, "Continuing anyway.\n");
+				msg_gerr("Continuing anyway.\n");
 		if (flash->tested & TEST_BAD_WRITE) {
-			fprintf(stderr, "Write is not working on this chip. ");
+			msg_gerr("Write is not working on this chip. ");
 			if (!force) {
-				fprintf(stderr, "Aborting.\n");
+				msg_gerr("Aborting.\n");
 				return 1;
 			} else {
-				fprintf(stderr, "Continuing anyway.\n");
+				msg_gerr("Continuing anyway.\n");
 		if ((image = fopen(filename, "rb")) == NULL) {
 		if (fstat(fileno(image), &image_stat) != 0) {
 		if (image_stat.st_size != flash->total_size * 1024) {
-			fprintf(stderr, "Error: Image size doesn't match\n");
+			msg_gerr("Error: Image size doesn't match\n");
 		numbytes = fread(buf, 1, size, image);
 		show_id(buf, size, force);
 		if (numbytes != size) {
-			fprintf(stderr, "Error: Failed to read file. Got %ld bytes, wanted %ld!\n", numbytes, size);
+			msg_gerr("Error: Failed to read file. Got %ld bytes, wanted %ld!\n", numbytes, size);
 			return 1;
 	// This should be moved into each flash part's code to do it 
 	// cleanly. This does the job.
 	handle_romentries(buf, flash);
 	// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
 	if (write_it) {
-		printf("Writing flash chip... ");
+		msg_ginfo("Writing flash chip... ");
 		if (!flash->write) {
-			fprintf(stderr, "Error: flashrom has no write function for this flash chip.\n");
+			msg_gerr("Error: flashrom has no write function for this flash chip.\n");
 			return 1;
 		ret = flash->write(flash, buf);
 		if (ret) {
-			fprintf(stderr, "FAILED!\n");
+			msg_gerr("FAILED!\n");
 			return 1;
 		} else {
-			printf("COMPLETE.\n");
+			msg_ginfo("COMPLETE.\n");
 	if (verify_it) {
 		/* Work around chips which need some time to calm down. */
 		if (write_it)
 		ret = verify_flash(flash, buf);
 		/* If we tried to write, and verification now fails, we
 		 * might have an emergency situation.
 		if (ret && write_it)
diff --git a/layout.c b/layout.c
index 26b7c6a..e9760d5 100644
--- a/layout.c
+++ b/layout.c
@@ -63,149 +63,149 @@ int show_id(uint8_t *bios, int size, int force)
 	 * Check if coreboot last image size is 0 or not a multiple of 1k or
 	 * bigger than the chip or if the pointers to vendor ID or mainboard ID
 	 * are outside the image of if the start of ID strings are nonsensical
 	 * (nonprintable and not \0).
 	mb_part_offset = *(walk - 1);
 	mb_vendor_offset = *(walk - 2);
 	if ((*walk) == 0 || ((*walk) & 0x3ff) != 0 || (*walk) > size ||
 	    mb_part_offset > size || mb_vendor_offset > size) {
-		printf("Flash image seems to be a legacy BIOS. Disabling checks.\n");
+		msg_ginfo("Flash image seems to be a legacy BIOS. Disabling checks.\n");
 		return 0;
 	mb_part = (char *)(bios + size - mb_part_offset);
 	mb_vendor = (char *)(bios + size - mb_vendor_offset);
 	if (!isprint((unsigned char)*mb_part) ||
 	    !isprint((unsigned char)*mb_vendor)) {
-		printf("Flash image seems to have garbage in the ID location."
+		msg_ginfo("Flash image seems to have garbage in the ID location."
 		       " Disabling checks.\n");
 		return 0;
-	printf_debug("coreboot last image size "
+	msg_gdbg("coreboot last image size "
 		     "(not ROM size) is %d bytes.\n", *walk);
 	mainboard_part = strdup(mb_part);
 	mainboard_vendor = strdup(mb_vendor);
-	printf_debug("Manufacturer: %s\n", mainboard_vendor);
-	printf_debug("Mainboard ID: %s\n", mainboard_part);
+	msg_gdbg("Manufacturer: %s\n", mainboard_vendor);
+	msg_gdbg("Mainboard ID: %s\n", mainboard_part);
 	 * If lb_vendor is not set, the coreboot table was
 	 * not found. Nor was -m VENDOR:PART specified.
 	if (!lb_vendor || !lb_part) {
-		printf("Note: If the following flash access fails, "
+		msg_ginfo("Note: If the following flash access fails, "
 		       "try -m <vendor>:<mainboard>.\n");
 		return 0;
 	/* These comparisons are case insensitive to make things
 	 * a little less user^Werror prone. 
 	if (!strcasecmp(mainboard_vendor, lb_vendor) &&
 	    !strcasecmp(mainboard_part, lb_part)) {
-		printf_debug("This firmware image matches this mainboard.\n");
+		msg_ginfo("This firmware image matches this mainboard.\n");
 	} else {
 		if (force) {
-			printf("WARNING: This firmware image does not "
+			msg_ginfo("WARNING: This firmware image does not "
 			       "seem to fit to this machine - forcing it.\n");
 		} else {
-			printf("ERROR: Your firmware image (%s:%s) does not "
+			msg_ginfo("ERROR: Your firmware image (%s:%s) does not "
 			       "appear to\n       be correct for the detected "
 			       "mainboard (%s:%s)\n\nOverride with --force if you "
 			       "are absolutely sure that you\nare using a correct "
 			       "image for this mainboard or override\nthe detected "
 			       "values with --mainboard <vendor>:<mainboard>.\n\n",
 			       mainboard_vendor, mainboard_part, lb_vendor,
 	return 0;
 int read_romlayout(char *name)
 	FILE *romlayout;
 	char tempstr[256];
 	int i;
 	romlayout = fopen(name, "r");
 	if (!romlayout) {
-		fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: Could not open ROM layout (%s).\n",
+		msg_gerr("ERROR: Could not open ROM layout (%s).\n",
 		return -1;
 	while (!feof(romlayout)) {
 		char *tstr1, *tstr2;
 		if (2 != fscanf(romlayout, "%s %s\n", tempstr, rom_entries[romimages].name))
 #if 0
 		// fscanf does not like arbitrary comments like that :( later
 		if (tempstr[0] == '#') {
 		tstr1 = strtok(tempstr, ":");
 		tstr2 = strtok(NULL, ":");
 		if (!tstr1 || !tstr2) {
-			fprintf(stderr, "Error parsing layout file.\n");
+			msg_gerr("Error parsing layout file.\n");
 			return 1;
 		rom_entries[romimages].start = strtol(tstr1, (char **)NULL, 16);
 		rom_entries[romimages].end = strtol(tstr2, (char **)NULL, 16);
 		rom_entries[romimages].included = 0;
 	for (i = 0; i < romimages; i++) {
-		printf_debug("romlayout %08x - %08x named %s\n",
+		msg_gdbg("romlayout %08x - %08x named %s\n",
 			     rom_entries[i].end, rom_entries[i].name);
 	return 0;
 int find_romentry(char *name)
 	int i;
 	if (!romimages)
 		return -1;
-	printf("Looking for \"%s\"... ", name);
+	msg_ginfo("Looking for \"%s\"... ", name);
 	for (i = 0; i < romimages; i++) {
 		if (!strcmp(rom_entries[i].name, name)) {
 			rom_entries[i].included = 1;
-			printf("found.\n");
+			msg_ginfo("found.\n");
 			return i;
-	printf("not found.\n");	// Not found. Error.
+	msg_ginfo("not found.\n");	// Not found. Error.
 	return -1;
 int handle_romentries(uint8_t *buffer, struct flashchip *flash)
 	int i;
 	// This function does not save flash write cycles.
 	// Also it does not cope with overlapping rom layout
 	// sections. 
 	// example:
diff --git a/print.c b/print.c
index 2a2c81b..e7ff27e 100644
--- a/print.c
+++ b/print.c
@@ -47,27 +47,27 @@ char *flashbuses_to_text(enum chipbustype bustype)
 		if (bustype & CHIP_BUSTYPE_FWH)
 			ret = strcat_realloc(ret, "FWH,");
 		if (bustype & CHIP_BUSTYPE_SPI)
 			ret = strcat_realloc(ret, "SPI,");
 		if (bustype == CHIP_BUSTYPE_NONE)
 			ret = strcat_realloc(ret, "None,");
 	/* Kill last comma. */
 	ret[strlen(ret) - 1] = '\0';
 	ret = realloc(ret, strlen(ret) + 1);
 	return ret;
-#define POS_PRINT(x) do { pos += strlen(x); printf(x); } while (0)
+#define POS_PRINT(x) do { pos += strlen(x); msg_ginfo(x); } while (0)
 static int digits(int n)
 	int i;
 	if (!n)
 		return 1;
 	for (i = 0; n; ++i)
 		n /= 10;
 	return i;
@@ -77,172 +77,172 @@ void print_supported_chips(void)
 	int okcol = 0, pos = 0, i, chipcount = 0;
 	struct flashchip *f;
 	for (f = flashchips; f->name != NULL; f++) {
 		if (GENERIC_DEVICE_ID == f->model_id)
 		okcol = max(okcol, strlen(f->vendor) + 1 + strlen(f->name));
 	okcol = (okcol + 7) & ~7;
 	for (f = flashchips; f->name != NULL; f++)
-	printf("\nSupported flash chips (total: %d):\n\n", chipcount);
+	msg_ginfo("\nSupported flash chips (total: %d):\n\n", chipcount);
 	POS_PRINT("Vendor:   Device:");
 	while (pos < okcol) {
-		printf("\t");
+		msg_ginfo("\t");
 		pos += 8 - (pos % 8);
-	printf("Tested OK:\tKnown BAD:  Size/KB:  Type:\n\n");
-	printf("(P = PROBE, R = READ, E = ERASE, W = WRITE)\n\n");
+	msg_ginfo("Tested OK:\tKnown BAD:  Size/KB:  Type:\n\n");
+	msg_ginfo("(P = PROBE, R = READ, E = ERASE, W = WRITE)\n\n");
 	for (f = flashchips; f->name != NULL; f++) {
 		/* Don't print "unknown XXXX SPI chip" entries. */
 		if (!strncmp(f->name, "unknown", 7))
-		printf("%s", f->vendor);
+		msg_ginfo("%s", f->vendor);
 		for (i = 0; i < 10 - strlen(f->vendor); i++)
-			printf(" ");
-		printf("%s", f->name);
+			msg_ginfo(" ");
+		msg_ginfo("%s", f->name);
 		pos = 10 + strlen(f->name);
 		while (pos < okcol) {
-			printf("\t");
+			msg_ginfo("\t");
 			pos += 8 - (pos % 8);
 		if ((f->tested & TEST_OK_MASK)) {
 			if ((f->tested & TEST_OK_PROBE))
 				POS_PRINT("P ");
 			if ((f->tested & TEST_OK_READ))
 				POS_PRINT("R ");
 			if ((f->tested & TEST_OK_ERASE))
 				POS_PRINT("E ");
 			if ((f->tested & TEST_OK_WRITE))
 				POS_PRINT("W ");
 		while (pos < okcol + 9) {
-			printf("\t");
+			msg_ginfo("\t");
 			pos += 8 - (pos % 8);
 		if ((f->tested & TEST_BAD_MASK)) {
 			if ((f->tested & TEST_BAD_PROBE))
-				printf("P ");
+				msg_ginfo("P ");
 			if ((f->tested & TEST_BAD_READ))
-				printf("R ");
+				msg_ginfo("R ");
 			if ((f->tested & TEST_BAD_ERASE))
-				printf("E ");
+				msg_ginfo("E ");
 			if ((f->tested & TEST_BAD_WRITE))
-				printf("W ");
+				msg_ginfo("W ");
-		printf("\t    %d", f->total_size);
+		msg_ginfo("\t    %d", f->total_size);
 		for (i = 0; i < 10 - digits(f->total_size); i++)
-			printf(" ");
-		printf("%s\n", flashbuses_to_text(f->bustype));
+			msg_ginfo(" ");
+		msg_ginfo("%s\n", flashbuses_to_text(f->bustype));
 void print_supported_chipsets(void)
 	int i, j, chipsetcount = 0;
 	const struct penable *c = chipset_enables;
 	for (i = 0; c[i].vendor_name != NULL; i++)
-	printf("\nSupported chipsets (total: %d):\n\nVendor:                  "
+	msg_ginfo("\nSupported chipsets (total: %d):\n\nVendor:                  "
 	       "Chipset:                 PCI IDs:\n\n", chipsetcount);
 	for (i = 0; c[i].vendor_name != NULL; i++) {
-		printf("%s", c[i].vendor_name);
+		msg_ginfo("%s", c[i].vendor_name);
 		for (j = 0; j < 25 - strlen(c[i].vendor_name); j++)
-			printf(" ");
-		printf("%s", c[i].device_name);
+			msg_ginfo(" ");
+		msg_ginfo("%s", c[i].device_name);
 		for (j = 0; j < 25 - strlen(c[i].device_name); j++)
-			printf(" ");
-		printf("%04x:%04x%s\n", c[i].vendor_id, c[i].device_id,
+			msg_ginfo(" ");
+		msg_ginfo("%04x:%04x%s\n", c[i].vendor_id, c[i].device_id,
 		       (c[i].status == OK) ? "" : " (untested)");
 void print_supported_boards_helper(const struct board_info *b, const char *msg)
 	int i, j, boardcount = 0;
 	for (i = 0; b[i].vendor != NULL; i++)
-	printf("\n%s (total: %d):\n\n", msg, boardcount);
+	msg_ginfo("\n%s (total: %d):\n\n", msg, boardcount);
 	for (i = 0; b[i].vendor != NULL; i++) {
-		printf("%s", b[i].vendor);
+		msg_ginfo("%s", b[i].vendor);
 		for (j = 0; j < 25 - strlen(b[i].vendor); j++)
-			printf(" ");
-		printf("%s", b[i].name);
+			msg_ginfo(" ");
+		msg_ginfo("%s", b[i].name);
 		for (j = 0; j < 28 - strlen(b[i].name); j++)
-			printf(" ");
-		printf("\n");
+			msg_ginfo(" ");
+		msg_ginfo("\n");
 void print_supported_boards(void)
 	int i, j, boardcount = 0;
 	struct board_pciid_enable *b = board_pciid_enables;
 	for (i = 0; b[i].vendor_name != NULL; i++)
-	printf("\nSupported boards which need write-enable code (total: %d):"
+	msg_ginfo("\nSupported boards which need write-enable code (total: %d):"
 	       "\n\nVendor:                  Board:                        "
 	       "Required option:\n\n", boardcount);
 	for (i = 0; b[i].vendor_name != NULL; i++) {
-		printf("%s", b[i].vendor_name);
+		msg_ginfo("%s", b[i].vendor_name);
 		for (j = 0; j < 25 - strlen(b[i].vendor_name); j++)
-			printf(" ");
-		printf("%s", b[i].board_name);
+			msg_ginfo(" ");
+		msg_ginfo("%s", b[i].board_name);
 		for (j = 0; j < 30 - strlen(b[i].board_name); j++)
-			printf(" ");
+			msg_ginfo(" ");
 		if (b[i].lb_vendor != NULL)
-			printf("-m %s:%s\n", b[i].lb_vendor, b[i].lb_part);
+			msg_ginfo("-m %s:%s\n", b[i].lb_vendor, b[i].lb_part);
-			printf("(none, board is autodetected)\n");
+			msg_ginfo("(none, board is autodetected)\n");
 		"Supported boards which don't need write-enable code");
 		"Boards which have been verified to NOT work yet");
 		"Laptops which have been verified to work");
 		"Laptops which have been verified to NOT work yet");
 void print_supported(void)
-		printf("\nSupported PCI devices flashrom can use "
+		msg_ginfo("\nSupported PCI devices flashrom can use "
 		       "as programmer:\n\n");
diff --git a/print_wiki.c b/print_wiki.c
index 9c0143c..e5eb521 100644
--- a/print_wiki.c
+++ b/print_wiki.c
@@ -363,237 +363,237 @@ static int note(const char *vendor, const char *board)
 	return -1;
 void print_supported_chipsets_wiki(void)
 	int i, j, enablescount = 0, color = 1;
 	const struct penable *e;
 	for (e = chipset_enables; e->vendor_name != NULL; e++)
-	printf("\n== Supported chipsets ==\n\nTotal amount of supported "
+	msg_ginfo("\n== Supported chipsets ==\n\nTotal amount of supported "
 	       "chipsets: '''%d'''\n\n{| border=\"0\" valign=\"top\"\n| "
 	       "valign=\"top\"|\n\n%s", enablescount, chipset_th);
 	e = chipset_enables;
 	for (i = 0, j = 0; e[i].vendor_name != NULL; i++, j++) {
 		/* Alternate colors if the vendor changes. */
 		if (i > 0 && strcmp(e[i].vendor_name, e[i - 1].vendor_name))
 			color = !color;
-		printf("|- bgcolor=\"#%s\" valign=\"top\"\n| %s || %s "
+		msg_ginfo("|- bgcolor=\"#%s\" valign=\"top\"\n| %s || %s "
 		       "|| %04x:%04x || %s\n", (color) ? "eeeeee" : "dddddd",
 		       e[i].vendor_name, e[i].device_name,
 		       e[i].vendor_id, e[i].device_id,
 		       (e[i].status == OK) ? "{{OK}}" : "?");
 		/* Split table in three columns. */
 		if (j >= (enablescount / 3 + 1)) {
-			printf("\n|}\n\n| valign=\"top\"|\n\n%s", chipset_th);
+			msg_ginfo("\n|}\n\n| valign=\"top\"|\n\n%s", chipset_th);
 			j = 0;
-	printf("\n|}\n\n|}\n");
+	msg_ginfo("\n|}\n\n|}\n");
 static void wiki_helper(const char *heading, const char *status,
 			int cols, const struct board_info boards[])
 	int i, j, k, c, boardcount = 0, color = 1, num_notes = 0;
 	const struct board_info *b;
 	const struct board_info_url *u = boards_url;
 	char *notes = calloc(1, 1);
 	char tmp[900 + 1];
 	for (b = boards; b->vendor != NULL; b++)
-	printf("\n'''%s'''\n\nTotal amount of boards: '''%d'''\n\n"
+	msg_ginfo("\n'''%s'''\n\nTotal amount of boards: '''%d'''\n\n"
 	       "{| border=\"0\" valign=\"top\"\n| valign=\"top\"|\n\n%s",
 	       heading, boardcount, board_th);
         for (i = 0, j = 0, b = boards; b[i].vendor != NULL; i++, j++) {
 		/* Alternate colors if the vendor changes. */
 		if (i > 0 && strcmp(b[i].vendor, b[i - 1].vendor))
 			color = !color;
 		k = url(b[i].vendor, b[i].name);
 		c = note(b[i].vendor, b[i].name);
-		printf("|- bgcolor=\"#%s\" valign=\"top\"\n| %s || %s%s %s%s ||"
+		msg_ginfo("|- bgcolor=\"#%s\" valign=\"top\"\n| %s || %s%s %s%s ||"
 		       " {{%s}}", (color) ? "eeeeee" : "dddddd", b[i].vendor,
 		       (k != -1 && u[k].url) ? "[" : "",
 		       (k != -1 && u[k].url) ? u[k].url : "",
 		       b[i].name, (k != -1 && u[k].url) ? "]" : "", status);
 		if (c != -1) {
-			printf("<sup>%d</sup>\n", num_notes + 1);
-			snprintf((char *)&tmp, 900, "<sup>%d</sup> %s<br />\n",
+			msg_ginfo("<sup>%d</sup>\n", num_notes + 1);
+			snmsg_ginfo((char *)&tmp, 900, "<sup>%d</sup> %s<br />\n",
 				 1 + num_notes++, boards_notes[c].note);
 			notes = strcat_realloc(notes, (char *)&tmp);
 		} else {
-			printf("\n");
+			msg_ginfo("\n");
 		/* Split table in 'cols' columns. */
 		if (j >= (boardcount / cols + 1)) {
-			printf("\n|}\n\n| valign=\"top\"|\n\n%s", board_th);
+			msg_ginfo("\n|}\n\n| valign=\"top\"|\n\n%s", board_th);
 			j = 0;
-	printf("\n|}\n\n|}\n");
+	msg_ginfo("\n|}\n\n|}\n");
 	if (num_notes > 0)
-		printf("\n<small>\n%s</small>\n", notes);
+		msg_ginfo("\n<small>\n%s</small>\n", notes);
 static void wiki_helper2(const char *heading, int cols)
 	int i, j, k, boardcount = 0, color = 1;
 	struct board_pciid_enable *b;
 	const struct board_info_url *u = boards_url;
 	for (b = board_pciid_enables; b->vendor_name != NULL; b++)
-	printf("\n'''%s'''\n\nTotal amount of boards: '''%d'''\n\n"
+	msg_ginfo("\n'''%s'''\n\nTotal amount of boards: '''%d'''\n\n"
 	       "{| border=\"0\" valign=\"top\"\n| valign=\"top\"|\n\n%s",
 	       heading, boardcount, board_th2);
 	b = board_pciid_enables;
 	for (i = 0, j = 0; b[i].vendor_name != NULL; i++, j++) {
 		/* Alternate colors if the vendor changes. */
 		if (i > 0 && strcmp(b[i].vendor_name, b[i - 1].vendor_name))
 			color = !color;
 		k = url(b[i].vendor_name, b[i].board_name);
-		printf("|- bgcolor=\"#%s\" valign=\"top\"\n| %s || %s%s %s%s "
+		msg_ginfo("|- bgcolor=\"#%s\" valign=\"top\"\n| %s || %s%s %s%s "
 		       "|| %s%s%s%s || {{OK}}\n", (color) ? "eeeeee" : "dddddd",
 		       b[i].vendor_name, (k != -1 && u[k].url) ? "[" : "",
 		       (k != -1 && u[k].url) ? u[k].url : "", b[i].board_name,
 		       (k != -1 && u[k].url) ? "]" : "",
 		       (b[i].lb_vendor) ? "-m " : "—",
 		       (b[i].lb_vendor) ? b[i].lb_vendor : "",
 		       (b[i].lb_vendor) ? ":" : "",
 		       (b[i].lb_vendor) ? b[i].lb_part : "");
 		/* Split table in three columns. */
 		if (j >= (boardcount / cols + 1)) {
-			printf("\n|}\n\n| valign=\"top\"|\n\n%s", board_th2);
+			msg_ginfo("\n|}\n\n| valign=\"top\"|\n\n%s", board_th2);
 			j = 0;
-	printf("\n|}\n\n|}\n");
+	msg_ginfo("\n|}\n\n|}\n");
 void print_supported_boards_wiki(void)
-	printf("%s", board_intro);
+	msg_ginfo("%s", board_intro);
 	wiki_helper("Known good (worked out of the box)", "OK", 3, boards_ok);
 	wiki_helper2("Known good (with write-enable code in flashrom)", 3);
 	wiki_helper("Not supported (yet)", "No", 3, boards_bad);
-	printf("%s", laptop_intro);
+	msg_ginfo("%s", laptop_intro);
 	wiki_helper("Known good (worked out of the box)", "OK", 1, laptops_ok);
 	wiki_helper("Not supported (yet)", "No", 1, laptops_bad);
 void print_supported_chips_wiki(void)
 	int i = 0, c = 1, chipcount = 0;
 	struct flashchip *f, *old = NULL;
 	uint32_t t;
 	for (f = flashchips; f->name != NULL; f++)
-	printf("\n== Supported chips ==\n\nTotal amount of supported "
+	msg_ginfo("\n== Supported chips ==\n\nTotal amount of supported "
 	       "chips: '''%d'''\n\n{| border=\"0\" valign=\"top\"\n"
 		"| valign=\"top\"|\n\n%s", chipcount, chip_th);
 	for (f = flashchips; f->name != NULL; f++, i++) {
 		/* Don't print "unknown XXXX SPI chip" entries. */
 		if (!strncmp(f->name, "unknown", 7))
 		/* Alternate colors if the vendor changes. */
 		if (old != NULL && strcmp(old->vendor, f->vendor))
 			c = !c;
 		t = f->tested;
-		printf("|- bgcolor=\"#%s\" valign=\"top\"\n| %s || %s || %d "
+		msg_ginfo("|- bgcolor=\"#%s\" valign=\"top\"\n| %s || %s || %d "
 		       "|| %s || {{%s}} || {{%s}} || {{%s}} || {{%s}}\n",
 		       (c == 1) ? "eeeeee" : "dddddd", f->vendor, f->name,
 		       f->total_size, flashbuses_to_text(f->bustype),
 		       (t & TEST_OK_PROBE) ? "OK" :
 		       (t & TEST_BAD_PROBE) ? "No" : ((c) ? "?2" : "?"),
 		       (t & TEST_OK_READ) ? "OK" :
 		       (t & TEST_BAD_READ) ? "No" : ((c) ? "?2" : "?"),
 		       (t & TEST_OK_ERASE) ? "OK" :
 		       (t & TEST_BAD_ERASE) ? "No" : ((c) ? "?2" : "?"),
 		       (t & TEST_OK_WRITE) ? "OK" :
 		       (t & TEST_BAD_WRITE) ? "No" : ((c) ? "?2" : "?"));
 		/* Split table into three columns. */
 		if (i >= (chipcount / 3 + 1)) {
-			printf("\n|}\n\n| valign=\"top\"|\n\n%s", chip_th);
+			msg_ginfo("\n|}\n\n| valign=\"top\"|\n\n%s", chip_th);
 			i = 0;
 		old = f;
-	printf("\n|}\n\n|}\n");
+	msg_ginfo("\n|}\n\n|}\n");
 void print_supported_pcidevs_wiki(struct pcidev_status *devs)
 	int i = 0;
 	static int c = 0;
 	/* Alternate colors if the vendor changes. */
 	c = !c;
 	for (i = 0; devs[i].vendor_name != NULL; i++) {
-		printf("|- bgcolor=\"#%s\" valign=\"top\"\n| %s || %s || "
+		msg_ginfo("|- bgcolor=\"#%s\" valign=\"top\"\n| %s || %s || "
 		       "%04x:%04x || {{%s}}\n", (c) ? "eeeeee" : "dddddd",
 		       devs[i].vendor_name, devs[i].device_name,
 		       devs[i].vendor_id, devs[i].device_id,
 		       (devs[i].status == NT) ? (c) ? "?2" : "?" : "OK");
 void print_supported_wiki(void)
 	time_t t = time(NULL);
-	printf(wiki_header, ctime(&t), flashrom_version);
+	msg_ginfo(wiki_header, ctime(&t), flashrom_version);
-	printf("%s", programmer_section);
+	msg_ginfo("%s", programmer_section);
-	printf("\n|}\n");
+	msg_ginfo("\n|}\n");

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