[flashrom] [PATCH] Intel 28F001BX fix

Sean Nelson audiohacked at gmail.com
Mon Mar 22 02:31:53 CET 2010

On 3/21/10 5:14 PM, Carl-Daniel Hailfinger wrote:
> I'm pretty sure that won't work. You don't have a register space, so you
> depend on a special mode to read registers. That special mode is the
> read ID mode, and we exit it by writing 0xff.
To access/read the lock bits, we use the same mode to read the chip id.

This patch looks into the write situation for the Intel 28F001BX-{B,T}. 
Looks like they're just a 82802ab page write.

Unlock_28f004s5 has been changed to read all the lock bits and if at 
least one of the block lock bits are set, clear them all. If the master 
lock bit is set, we can't do anything about it, so we return.

Signed-off-by: Sean Nelson <audiohacked at gmail.com>

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