[flashrom] [PATCH] Intel 28F001BX fix

Sean Nelson audiohacked at gmail.com
Sun Mar 21 20:52:42 CET 2010

On 3/21/10 6:18 AM, Carl-Daniel Hailfinger wrote:
> According to my datasheet, 28F004S5 can do locking, but it does _not_
> use registers in a separate address space. Besides that, chips on a
> Parallel Bus can't do register accesses anyway because the high address
> bits are not passed through.
My fault for skimming over that information in the datasheet. The 
28F004S5 has a command sequence to unlock blocks; which this patch 
creates unlock_28f004s5. Unlock_28f004s5 checks if the master lock isn't 
set, and then initiates the Clear Block Lock-bits. This might (should ?) 
be split into a printlock and unlock_28f004s5 which should only contain 
Clear Block Lock-bits.
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