[flashrom] [coreboot] GSoC 2010

Paul Millar paul.millar at desy.de
Tue Mar 9 11:25:33 CET 2010

Hi Carl-Daniel,

On Sunday 07 March 2010 21:47:21 Carl-Daniel Hailfinger wrote:
> I'm one of the developers of flashrom <http://www.flashrom.org/> which
> aims to be a generic utility for programming all kinds of flash EEPROMs
> on your mainboard, on storage/network/graphics cards, and in external
> programmers.
> There is some interest in integrating parts of your firebrand code to
> support a Willem backend/driver for flashrom. Would that be OK with you?
> flashrom is GPLv2.

Yes, that is an excellent idea.  The code-base is LGPL v2.1 and is written 
with as a library to facilitate people using it as a library.

Incidentally, I've previously registered a (nognu) Savannah project for 
firebrand; but, to cut a long story short, I haven't uploaded the software 
there yet:


If you like, I can get the code up into Savannah and we could work from there?



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