[flashrom] Trial of ARIMA:HDAMA Motherboard

Michael Karcher flashrom at mkarcher.dialup.fu-berlin.de
Tue Feb 23 11:39:00 CET 2010

Am Montag, den 22.02.2010, 20:40 -0800 schrieb Spangler, Mike T:
> Yes.  I have both vendor BIOS and LinuxBios systems all running Linux.
> If you send me your GPIO code I'll run it for you on both systems.
> Don't think flashrom will work with vendor BIOS, but will try.

OK, nice. Please try flashrom with the vendor BIOS. If it works, I will
make the GPIO code to find whats different. If it doesn't work, I'm out
of ideas, as I can be quite confident that the vendor tool does no
special magic to enable flash writing, so flashrom should not need, too.

  Michael Karcher

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