[flashrom] [PATCH 2/2] Add Abit VT6X4 board enable

Michael Karcher flashrom at mkarcher.dialup.fu-berlin.de
Mon Feb 22 01:14:45 CET 2010

Am Montag, den 22.02.2010, 00:37 +0100 schrieb Michael Karcher:
> This board has *no* usable IDs at all, neither DMI nor PCI
> subsystem IDs. You have to force it using "-m abit:vt6x4"
As seen on IRC, this patch doesn't help flashing on that board. The only
difference I find between our code and the vendor board enable is that
flashrom now uses a 32 bit access to the GPIO data register (the
datasheet *seems* to indicate that this is fine).

MMX, can you please try changing the INL/OUTL in via_apollo_gpo_set to
INB/OUTB. This will be a quick hack I don't want that way in flashrom,
but I would be very interested to hear whether it helps.

  Michael Karcher

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