[flashrom] GSoCs Winflashrom versus r126.

Stefan Reinauer stepan at coresystems.de
Sun Aug 9 02:11:09 CEST 2009

Carl-Daniel Hailfinger wrote:
> 7. Test if the Windows kernel driver still works on Windows 7 (or
> anything post XP).
> 8. Make pcilib usable without including it.
Darmawan's code works as is, I tried it today on an i945 box running
Windows XP. But the code is based on a very old version of flashrom.

The two main issues are
- memory access
- IO access (including PCI access)

PCI access is nicely implemented by libpci/pci utils, which is available
for Windows since 2.1.99. libpci needs WinIo, which is an abstraction
layer for memory and IO accesses, similar to DirectIO on OSX:

It would likely make sense to base a new port on WinIo and libpci.


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