[coreboot] Where to buy the KCMA-D8? *brand new*

Timothy Pearson tpearson at raptorengineering.com
Fri Jun 9 22:59:15 CEST 2017

Hash: SHA1

On 03/22/2017 04:40 PM, Taiidan at gmx.com wrote:
> Does anyone know? I have checked everywhere
> I can't find the accessories for the board family either (TPM etc)
> I would just get another KGPE-D16 but I want to make a router with one
> of the 35W C32 "EE" opterons and the retail price is a little cheaper.
> And does anyone know how much longer they are making the KGPE-D16? I
> wanna buy more before they stop (I could get arm or power, but I still
> need x86 to play video games) I suppose it is possible to port to
> another better available similar board like something from supermicro
> (H8DGI-way, way better specs, first released 2014) but I have no idea
> how complex that is.

Complexity isn't the main issue; the fact that the H8DGi appears to have
a proprietary, non-removable BMC is a far larger issue for truly
blob-free operation.

We could port coreboot to something like the H8DGi for a fairly
reasonable cost, but again the result likely won't be truly blob-free
(or may be missing significant functionality) so the utility of anyine
funding such a port is still in question.

We're still heavily invested in POWER and will likely have some very
good news for advocates of owner-controlled systems in the coming
months, so I'd really encourage people to evaluate whether they really
*need* x86 or whether they might consider a cheap x86 gaming-only
machine plus an OpenPOWER machine for "real work".

- -- 
Timothy Pearson
Raptor Engineering
+1 (415) 727-8645 (direct line)
+1 (512) 690-0200 (switchboard)
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