[coreboot] 8 GB DIMMs on Nehalem (Arrandale)

Stefan Tauner stefan.tauner at alumni.tuwien.ac.at
Sat Jan 28 14:38:41 CET 2017

On Sat, 21 Jan 2017 18:46:00 -0500
Charlotte Plusplus <pluspluscharlotte at gmail.com> wrote:

> Addressing over 8G is not supported by the chipset used on nehalem thinkpad
> laptops (X201)
> Stupid limitation, but it is not the CPU fault.

Please don't spread FUD if you don't know what you are talking about.
Neither the RAM in the T410s nor the one in the X201 is even connected
to what remains of the "chipset" i.e. the southbridge in form of the
PCH/southbridge but directly to the memory controller in the CPU. The
chipset in the (QC version of the) W510 is actually exactly the same as
in the X201 and T410s: Ibex Peak.

Kind regards/Mit freundlichen Grüßen, Stefan Tauner

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