[coreboot] Supermicro H8DME-2 Coreboot v2

Kevin Connelly kconnelly at siliconmechanics.com
Tue Jan 13 03:25:18 CET 2009

Hi All,

I am attempting to boot a H8DME-2 using the Supermicro H8DMR-i2 code as 
a starting point. I am having problems getting the ram to initialize 
properly. I can get a bootable system, but not with the proper amount of 
ram available in the OS.

Using i2cdetect, it appears that the ram off the first cpu is at 30-37, 
and the ram off the second cpu is at 50-57. Setting these addresses in 
Congig.lb does not seem to fix the problem.

I have attached lspci and dmidecode dumps. Please let me know what other 
debug information would be helpful.

Any help or guidance is greatly appreciated.

Thanks in advance.


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