[LinuxBIOS] USB 2.0 booting

Jun OKAJIMA okajima at digitalinfra.co.jp
Thu Mar 31 19:08:31 CEST 2005

Hello Linux BIOS developers.

As far as I understand, current Linux BIOS does not boot from USB memory
stick if it is USB 2.0, Right?. But, I also understand that EHCI (= USB 2.0)
can also work as UHCI/OHCI( = USB1.1).
Then, if I use a M/B which has EHCI and put USB 2.0 stick to it,
and  put Linux kernel supports EHCI driver there.
And if I boot it with Etherboot/FILO with USB 1.1 support in this case,
can it boot as USB 1.1? and can I switch USB mode to 2.0 after booting?

What I want to do is like this.

1. Boot linux kernel by Etherboot/FILO/USB1.1 from USB stick.
2. Reading Linux kernel itself is slow.
   But after that, it works with 2.0 performance?.

                --- Okajima, Jun. Tokyo, Japan.

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