make rom problem!

Steve Gehlbach steve at
Mon May 5 11:04:01 CEST 2003

ron minnich wrote:

> This is the second error I have heard of but not seen with 'beep'. 
> Can the person who put 'beep' in there please explain why it is there and 
> what it does? thanks
> ron

That would be me.  It is part of the vga console, and is supposed to 
make a noise for the bell code (\a).  It is built unconditionally in 
pc80, but only used to my knowledge when "option VIDEO_CONSOLE=1", not 
sure why there is a problem.  Seems to work for me.   Maybe a missing 
"extern" somewhere?  What is the compiler version?

Serafino, send me your configuration file and I will see if I can figure 
out what the problem is.


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