ADLO no go

Richard Smith rsmith at
Wed Apr 30 17:40:01 CEST 2003

I'm trying to get ADLO up but once it jumps to adlo nothing happens.

I've applied the serial-debug patch to ADLO but still no results.

Are there any specific memory region options that I need to have enabled 

Heres the snipit from my serial output.

Welcome to elfboot, the open sourced starter.
January 2002, Eric Biederman.
Version 1.2

Using stream address 0x9c00
     37:init_bytes() - zkernel_start:0xfff00000  zkernel_mask:0x0000ffff
Found ELF candiate at offset 0
New segment addr 0x7c00 size 0x20400 offset 0x100 filesize 0x20400
(cleaned up) New segment addr 0x7c00 size 0x20400 offset 0x100 filesize 
Loading Segment: addr: 0x0000000007f67368 memsz: 0x0000000000020400 
filesz: 0x0000000000020400
Jumping to boot code at 0x7c00

<machine is toast at this point>

Richard A. Smith
rsmith at

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