[coreboot-gerrit] Change in libgfxinit[master]: gma config: Tag constants depending on generation or CPU

Nico Huber (Code Review) gerrit at coreboot.org
Wed Jun 13 01:27:44 CEST 2018

Nico Huber has uploaded this change for review. ( https://review.coreboot.org/27067

Change subject: gma config: Tag constants depending on generation or CPU

gma config: Tag constants depending on generation or CPU

Tag all derived config values that depend on the generation <genconst>
and those that depend on the CPU <cpuconst>. <genbool> and <cpubool>
are shortcuts for `<genconst> Boolean` and `<cpuconst> Boolean`,

To ease later parsing, also move all multiline expressions after a
line break.

Change-Id: Iaa50987c51dc62ab2eb8b31e8f223b8a94e8ac12
Signed-off-by: Nico Huber <nico.h at gmx.de>
M common/Makefile.inc
M common/hw-gfx-gma-config.ads.template
2 files changed, 101 insertions(+), 95 deletions(-)

  git pull ssh://review.coreboot.org:29418/libgfxinit refs/changes/67/27067/1

diff --git a/common/Makefile.inc b/common/Makefile.inc
index 965d6ba..5eeba41 100644
--- a/common/Makefile.inc
+++ b/common/Makefile.inc
@@ -60,6 +60,8 @@
+	    -e's/<\(gen\|\(ilk\|hsw\|skl\)\(...\)\?\)const>/constant/' \
+	    -e's/<\(gen\|\(ilk\|hsw\|skl\)\(...\)\?\)bool>/constant Boolean/' \
 	    $< >$@
 gfxinit-gen-y += $(hw-gfx-gma-config-ads)
diff --git a/common/hw-gfx-gma-config.ads.template b/common/hw-gfx-gma-config.ads.template
index 50e7e7c..03f343b 100644
--- a/common/hw-gfx-gma-config.ads.template
+++ b/common/hw-gfx-gma-config.ads.template
@@ -81,150 +81,153 @@
    Haswell_Plus      : constant Boolean := Gen >= Haswell;
    Broxton_Plus      : constant Boolean := Gen >= Broxton;
-   CPU_Ironlake      : constant Boolean := Gen_Ironlake and then CPU = Ironlake;
-   CPU_Sandybridge   : constant Boolean := Gen_Ironlake and then CPU = Sandybridge;
-   CPU_Ivybridge     : constant Boolean := Gen_Ironlake and then CPU = Ivybridge;
-   CPU_Haswell       : constant Boolean := Gen_Haswell and then CPU = Haswell;
-   CPU_Broadwell     : constant Boolean := Gen_Haswell and then CPU = Broadwell;
+   CPU_Ironlake      : <ilkbool> := Gen_Ironlake and then CPU = Ironlake;
+   CPU_Sandybridge   : <ilkbool> := Gen_Ironlake and then CPU = Sandybridge;
+   CPU_Ivybridge     : <ilkbool> := Gen_Ironlake and then CPU = Ivybridge;
+   CPU_Haswell       : <hswbool> := Gen_Haswell and then CPU = Haswell;
+   CPU_Broadwell     : <hswbool> := Gen_Haswell and then CPU = Broadwell;
-   Sandybridge_Plus  : constant Boolean :=
+   Sandybridge_Plus  : <ilkbool> :=
      ((Gen_Ironlake and then CPU >= Sandybridge) or Haswell_Plus);
-   Ivybridge_Plus    : constant Boolean :=
+   Ivybridge_Plus    : <ilkbool> :=
      ((Gen_Ironlake and then CPU >= Ivybridge) or Haswell_Plus);
-   Broadwell_Plus    : constant Boolean :=
+   Broadwell_Plus    : <hswbool> :=
      ((Gen_Haswell and then CPU >= Broadwell) or Broxton_Plus);
-   Have_HDMI_Buf_Override  : constant Boolean :=
-                                             DDI_HDMI_Buffer_Translation /= -1;
+   Have_HDMI_Buf_Override  : constant Boolean := DDI_HDMI_Buffer_Translation /= -1;
    Default_MMIO_Base_Set   : constant Boolean := Default_MMIO_Base /= 0;
    Has_Internal_Display    : constant Boolean := Internal_Display /= None;
    Internal_Is_LVDS        : constant Boolean := Internal_Display = LVDS;
    Internal_Is_EDP         : constant Boolean := Internal_Display = DP;
    Have_DVI_I              : constant Boolean := Analog_I2C_Port /= PCH_DAC;
-   Has_Presence_Straps     : constant Boolean := not Gen_Broxton;
-   Is_ULT                  : constant Boolean :=
+   Has_Presence_Straps           : <genbool> := Gen /= Broxton;
+   Is_ULT                        : <hswsklbool> :=
      ((Gen_Haswell or Gen_Skylake) and then CPU_Var = ULT);
-   ----- CPU pipe: --------
-   Has_Tertiary_Pipe       : constant Boolean := Ivybridge_Plus;
-   Disable_Trickle_Feed    : constant Boolean := Gen /= Haswell;
-   Pipe_Enabled_Workaround : constant Boolean := CPU_Broadwell;
-   Has_EDP_Transcoder      : constant Boolean := Gen >= Haswell;
-   Use_PDW_For_EDP_Scaling : constant Boolean := CPU_Haswell;
-   Has_Pipe_DDI_Func       : constant Boolean := Gen >= Haswell;
-   Has_Trans_Clk_Sel       : constant Boolean := Gen >= Haswell;
-   Has_Pipe_MSA_Misc       : constant Boolean := Gen >= Haswell;
-   Has_Pipeconf_Misc       : constant Boolean := Broadwell_Plus;
-   Has_Pipeconf_BPC        : constant Boolean := not CPU_Haswell;
-   Has_Plane_Control       : constant Boolean := Gen >= Broxton;
-   Has_DSP_Linoff          : constant Boolean := Gen <= Ironlake;
-   Has_PF_Pipe_Select      : constant Boolean := CPU_Ivybridge or CPU_Haswell;
-   Has_Cursor_FBC_Control  : constant Boolean := Ivybridge_Plus;
-   VGA_Plane_Workaround    : constant Boolean := CPU_Ivybridge;
-   Has_GMCH_DP_Transcoder  : constant Boolean := Gen = G45;
-   Has_GMCH_VGACNTRL       : constant Boolean := Gen = G45;
-   Has_GMCH_PFIT_CONTROL   : constant Boolean := Gen = G45;
+   ---------- CPU pipe: ---------
+   Has_Tertiary_Pipe             : <ilkbool> := Ivybridge_Plus;
+   Disable_Trickle_Feed          : <genbool> := Gen /= Haswell;
+   Pipe_Enabled_Workaround       : <hswbool> := CPU_Broadwell;
+   Has_EDP_Transcoder            : <genbool> := Gen >= Haswell;
+   Use_PDW_For_EDP_Scaling       : <hswbool> := CPU_Haswell;
+   Has_Pipe_DDI_Func             : <genbool> := Gen >= Haswell;
+   Has_Trans_Clk_Sel             : <genbool> := Gen >= Haswell;
+   Has_Pipe_MSA_Misc             : <genbool> := Gen >= Haswell;
+   Has_Pipeconf_Misc             : <hswbool> := Broadwell_Plus;
+   Has_Pipeconf_BPC              : <hswbool> := not CPU_Haswell;
+   Has_Plane_Control             : <genbool> := Gen >= Broxton;
+   Has_DSP_Linoff                : <genbool> := Gen <= Ironlake;
+   Has_PF_Pipe_Select            : <ilkhswbool> := CPU_Ivybridge or CPU_Haswell;
+   Has_Cursor_FBC_Control        : <ilkbool> := Ivybridge_Plus;
+   VGA_Plane_Workaround          : <ilkbool> := CPU_Ivybridge;
+   Has_GMCH_DP_Transcoder        : <genbool> := Gen = G45;
+   Has_GMCH_VGACNTRL             : <genbool> := Gen = G45;
+   Has_GMCH_PFIT_CONTROL         : <genbool> := Gen = G45;
-   ----- Panel power: -----
-   Has_PP_Write_Protection : constant Boolean := Gen <= Ironlake;
-   Has_PP_Port_Select      : constant Boolean := Gen <= Ironlake;
-   Use_PP_VDD_Override     : constant Boolean := Gen <= Ironlake;
-   Has_PCH_Panel_Power     : constant Boolean := Gen >= Ironlake;
+   --------- Panel power: -------
+   Has_PP_Write_Protection       : <genbool> := Gen <= Ironlake;
+   Has_PP_Port_Select            : <genbool> := Gen <= Ironlake;
+   Use_PP_VDD_Override           : <genbool> := Gen <= Ironlake;
+   Has_PCH_Panel_Power           : <genbool> := Gen >= Ironlake;
-   ----- PCH/FDI: ---------
-   Has_PCH                 : constant Boolean := Gen /= Broxton and Gen /= G45;
-   Has_PCH_DAC             : constant Boolean :=
-     (Gen_Ironlake or (Gen_Haswell and then not Is_ULT));
+   ----------- PCH/FDI: ---------
+   Has_PCH                       : <genbool> := Gen /= Broxton and Gen /= G45;
+   Has_PCH_DAC                   : <hswbool> :=
+     (Gen_Ironlake or else (Gen_Haswell and then not Is_ULT));
-   Has_PCH_Aux_Channels    : constant Boolean := Gen in Ironlake .. Haswell;
+   Has_PCH_Aux_Channels          : <genbool> := Gen in Ironlake .. Haswell;
-   VGA_Has_Sync_Disable    : constant Boolean := Gen <= Ironlake;
+   VGA_Has_Sync_Disable          : <genbool> := Gen <= Ironlake;
-   Has_Trans_Timing_Ovrrde : constant Boolean := Sandybridge_Plus;
+   Has_Trans_Timing_Ovrrde       : <ilkbool> := Sandybridge_Plus;
-   Has_DPLL_SEL            : constant Boolean := Gen = Ironlake;
-   Has_FDI_BPC             : constant Boolean := Gen = Ironlake;
-   Has_FDI_Composite_Sel   : constant Boolean := CPU_Ivybridge;
-   Has_Original_ILK_Trans  : constant Boolean := CPU_Ironlake;
-   Has_Trans_DP_Ctl        : constant Boolean := CPU_Sandybridge or CPU_Ivybridge;
-   Has_Ivy_Bridge_FDI      : constant Boolean := CPU_Ivybridge;
-   Has_FDI_C               : constant Boolean := CPU_Ivybridge;
+   Has_DPLL_SEL                  : <genbool> := Gen = Ironlake;
+   Has_FDI_BPC                   : <genbool> := Gen = Ironlake;
+   Has_FDI_Composite_Sel         : <ilkbool> := CPU_Ivybridge;
+   Has_Original_ILK_Trans        : <ilkbool> := CPU_Ironlake;
+   Has_Trans_DP_Ctl              : <ilkbool> := CPU_Sandybridge or CPU_Ivybridge;
+   Has_Ivy_Bridge_FDI            : <ilkbool> := CPU_Ivybridge;
+   Has_FDI_C                     : <ilkbool> := CPU_Ivybridge;
-   Has_FDI_RX_Power_Down   : constant Boolean := Gen = Haswell;
+   Has_FDI_RX_Power_Down         : <genbool> := Gen = Haswell;
-   Has_GMCH_RawClk         : constant Boolean := Gen = G45;
+   Has_GMCH_RawClk               : <genbool> := Gen = G45;
-   ----- DDI: -------------
-   End_EDP_Training_Late   : constant Boolean := Gen = Haswell;
-   Has_Per_DDI_Clock_Sel   : constant Boolean := Gen = Haswell;
-   Has_HOTPLUG_CTL         : constant Boolean := Gen = Haswell;
-   Has_SHOTPLUG_CTL_A      : constant Boolean :=
+   ----------- DDI: -------------
+   End_EDP_Training_Late         : <genbool> := Gen = Haswell;
+   Has_Per_DDI_Clock_Sel         : <genbool> := Gen = Haswell;
+   Has_HOTPLUG_CTL               : <genbool> := Gen = Haswell;
+   Has_SHOTPLUG_CTL_A            : <hswbool> :=
      ((Gen_Haswell and then Is_ULT) or Gen_Skylake);
-   Has_DDI_PHYs            : constant Boolean := Gen = Broxton;
+   Has_DDI_PHYs                  : <genbool> := Gen = Broxton;
-   Has_DDI_D               : constant Boolean :=
+   Has_DDI_D                     : <hswsklbool> :=
      ((Gen_Haswell or Gen_Skylake) and then not Is_ULT);
-   Has_DDI_E               : constant Boolean := -- might be disabled by x4 eDP
-                                                 Has_DDI_D;
+   -- might be disabled by x4 eDP:
+   Has_DDI_E                     : <hswsklbool> := Has_DDI_D;
-   Has_DDI_Buffer_Trans    : constant Boolean := Gen >= Haswell and
-                                                 Gen /= Broxton;
-   Has_Broadwell_DDI_Bufs  : constant Boolean := CPU_Broadwell;
-   Has_Low_Voltage_Swing   : constant Boolean := Gen >= Broxton;
-   Has_Iboost_Config       : constant Boolean := Gen >= Skylake;
+   Has_DDI_Buffer_Trans          : <genbool> := Gen >= Haswell and
+                                                not Has_DDI_PHYs;
+   Has_DDI_HDMI_Buffer_Override  : <genbool> :=
+     (DDI_HDMI_Buffer_Translation /= -1);
-   Need_DP_Aux_Mutex       : constant Boolean := False; -- Skylake & (PSR | GTC)
+   Has_Broadwell_DDI_Bufs        : <hswbool> := CPU_Broadwell;
+   Has_Low_Voltage_Swing         : <genbool> := Gen >= Broxton;
+   Has_Iboost_Config             : <genbool> := Gen >= Skylake;
-   ----- GMBUS: -----------
-   Ungate_GMBUS_Unit_Level : constant Boolean := Gen >= Skylake;
-   GMBUS_Alternative_Pins  : constant Boolean := Gen = Broxton;
-   Has_PCH_GMBUS           : constant Boolean := Gen >= Ironlake;
+   Need_DP_Aux_Mutex             : <genbool> := False; -- Skylake & (PSR | GTC)
-   ----- Power: -----------
-   Has_IPS                 : constant Boolean :=
+   ----------- GMBUS: -----------
+   Ungate_GMBUS_Unit_Level       : <genbool> := Gen >= Skylake;
+   GMBUS_Alternative_Pins        : <genbool> := Gen = Broxton;
+   Has_PCH_GMBUS                 : <genbool> := Gen >= Ironlake;
+   ----------- Power: -----------
+   Has_IPS                       : <hswbool> :=
      (Gen_Haswell and then
-      ((CPU_Haswell and Is_ULT) or CPU_Broadwell));
-   Has_IPS_CTL_Mailbox     : constant Boolean := CPU_Broadwell;
+      ((CPU = Haswell and Is_ULT) or CPU = Broadwell));
+   Has_IPS_CTL_Mailbox           : <hswbool> := CPU_Broadwell;
-   Has_Per_Pipe_SRD        : constant Boolean := Broadwell_Plus;
+   Has_Per_Pipe_SRD              : <hswbool> := Broadwell_Plus;
-   ----- GTT: -------------
-   Has_64bit_GTT           : constant Boolean := Broadwell_Plus;
+   ----------- GTT: -------------
+   Has_64bit_GTT                 : <hswbool> := Broadwell_Plus;
-   Max_Pipe : constant Pipe_Index :=
+   Max_Pipe : <ilkconst> Pipe_Index :=
      (if Has_Tertiary_Pipe then Tertiary else Secondary);
-   Last_Digital_Port : constant Digital_Port :=
+   Last_Digital_Port : <hswsklconst> Digital_Port :=
      (if Has_DDI_E then DIGI_E else DIGI_C);
    type FDI_Per_Port is array (Port_Type) of Boolean;
-   Is_FDI_Port : constant FDI_Per_Port :=
+   Is_FDI_Port : <hswconst> FDI_Per_Port :=
      (Disabled       => False,
       Internal       => Gen_Ironlake and Internal_Is_LVDS,
       DP1 .. HDMI3   => Gen_Ironlake,
       Analog         => Has_PCH_DAC);
    type FDI_Lanes_Per_Port is array (GPU_Port) of DP_Lane_Count;
-   FDI_Lane_Count : constant FDI_Lanes_Per_Port :=
+   FDI_Lane_Count : <genconst> FDI_Lanes_Per_Port :=
      (DIGI_D => DP_Lane_Count_2,
       others => (if Gen_Ironlake then DP_Lane_Count_4 else DP_Lane_Count_2));
-   FDI_Training : constant FDI_Training_Type :=
+   FDI_Training : <ilkconst> FDI_Training_Type :=
      (if    CPU_Ironlake      then Simple_Training
       elsif CPU_Sandybridge   then Full_Training
                               else Auto_Training);
-   Default_DDI_HDMI_Buffer_Translation : constant DDI_HDMI_Buf_Trans_Range :=
+   Default_DDI_HDMI_Buffer_Translation : <hswconst> DDI_HDMI_Buf_Trans_Range :=
      (if    CPU_Haswell       then 6
       elsif CPU_Broadwell     then 7
       elsif Broxton_Plus      then 8
@@ -232,7 +235,7 @@
-   Default_CDClk_Freq : constant Frequency_Type :=
+   Default_CDClk_Freq : <ilkconst> Frequency_Type :=
      (if    Gen_G45                          then 320_000_000  -- unused
       elsif CPU_Ironlake or Gen_Haswell      then 450_000_000
       elsif CPU_Sandybridge or CPU_Ivybridge then 400_000_000
@@ -240,7 +243,7 @@
       elsif Gen_Skylake                      then 337_500_000
                                              else Frequency_Type'First);
-   Default_RawClk_Freq : constant Frequency_Type :=
+   Default_RawClk_Freq : <hswconst> Frequency_Type :=
      (if    Gen_G45        then 100_000_000  -- unused, depends on FSB
       elsif Gen_Ironlake   then 125_000_000
       elsif Gen_Haswell    then (if Is_ULT then 24_000_000 else 125_000_000)
@@ -255,7 +258,7 @@
    type Width_Per_Pipe is array (Pipe_Index) of Width_Type;
-   Maximum_Scalable_Width : constant Width_Per_Pipe :=
+   Maximum_Scalable_Width : <hswconst> Width_Per_Pipe :=
      (if Gen_G45 then   -- TODO: Is this true?
         (Primary     => 4096,
          Secondary   => 2048,
@@ -270,26 +273,27 @@
          Tertiary    => 4096));
    -- Maximum X position of hardware cursors
-   Maximum_Cursor_X : constant := (case Gen is
-                                    when G45 .. Ironlake       => 4095,
-                                    when Haswell .. Skylake    => 8191);
+   Maximum_Cursor_X : <genconst> :=
+     (case Gen is
+         when G45 .. Ironlake       => 4095,
+         when Haswell .. Skylake    => 8191);
-   Maximum_Cursor_Y : constant := 4095;
+   Maximum_Cursor_Y : <genconst> := 4095;
    -- FIXME: Unknown for Broxton, Linux' i915 contains a fixme too :-D
-   HDMI_Max_Clock_24bpp : constant Frequency_Type :=
+   HDMI_Max_Clock_24bpp : <genconst> Frequency_Type :=
      (if Haswell_Plus then 300_000_000 else 225_000_000);
-   GTT_PTE_Size : constant := (if Has_64bit_GTT then 8 else 4);
+   GTT_PTE_Size : <hswconst> := (if Has_64bit_GTT then 8 else 4);
-   Fence_Base : constant :=
+   Fence_Base : <ilkconst> :=
      (if not Sandybridge_Plus then 16#0000_3000# else 16#0010_0000#);
-   Fence_Count : constant :=
+   Fence_Count : <ilkconst> :=
      (if not Ivybridge_Plus then 16 else 32);

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Gerrit-Project: libgfxinit
Gerrit-Branch: master
Gerrit-MessageType: newchange
Gerrit-Change-Id: Iaa50987c51dc62ab2eb8b31e8f223b8a94e8ac12
Gerrit-Change-Number: 27067
Gerrit-PatchSet: 1
Gerrit-Owner: Nico Huber <nico.h at gmx.de>
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