[coreboot-gerrit] Patch set updated for coreboot: rotor: Compose BOOTBLOCK region

Daisuke Nojiri (dnojiri@chromium.org) gerrit at coreboot.org
Mon Oct 17 23:57:36 CEST 2016

Daisuke Nojiri (dnojiri at chromium.org) just uploaded a new patch set to gerrit, which you can find at https://review.coreboot.org/16747


commit 700c81ffa3c830b7e84369b0246bd8a5050c801a
Author: Daisuke Nojiri <dnojiri at chromium.org>
Date:   Fri Sep 23 17:40:15 2016 -0700

    rotor: Compose BOOTBLOCK region
    This patch adds a Makefile rule for mvmap2315 to install a BDB and
    bootblock code in the BOOTBLOCK region. The resulting BDB has a
    header and data both signed by a RSA-4096 key.
    TEST=emerge-rotor coreboot and examined the output binary
    Change-Id: I1e20a09b12f8f8ed4d095aa588e3eb930f359fc5
    Signed-off-by: Daisuke Nojiri <dnojiri at chromium.org>
 src/soc/marvell/mvmap2315/Makefile.inc | 75 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-
 1 file changed, 74 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)

diff --git a/src/soc/marvell/mvmap2315/Makefile.inc b/src/soc/marvell/mvmap2315/Makefile.inc
index d30ab68..ba1883e 100644
--- a/src/soc/marvell/mvmap2315/Makefile.inc
+++ b/src/soc/marvell/mvmap2315/Makefile.inc
@@ -63,4 +63,77 @@ romstage-y += wdt.c
 CPPFLAGS_common += -Isrc/soc/marvell/mvmap2315/include/
+# Common Boot Flow parameters
+BDB = $(obj)/bdb.bin
+BDB_LOAD_ADDRESS = 0xe0000000
+# Keys used to create BDB
+KEYDIR = $(VBOOT_SOURCE)/tests/testkeys
+BDBKEY_PUB = $(KEYDIR)/bdbkey.keyb
+BDBKEY_PRI = $(KEYDIR)/bdbkey.pem
+BDBKEY_DIGEST = $(VBOOT_SOURCE)/tests/testdata/bdbkey_digest.bin
+# Use bdbkeys because mvmap2315's bootROM doesn't support RSA3072b with
+# exponent 3 and the algorithms for BDB key and data key have to match.
+DATAKEY_PUB = $(KEYDIR)/bdbkey.keyb
+DATAKEY_PRI = $(KEYDIR)/bdbkey.pem
+# Calculate bootblock.raw.bin's size and offset
+.PHONY: bootblock_offset
+bootblock_offset: $(objcbfs)/bootblock.raw.bin
+	$(eval BOOTBLOCK_SIZE = $(call file-size, $<))
+	$(eval BOOTBLOCK_OFFSET = $(call int-subtract, \
+# Create BDB
+# TODO: Verify sign algorithms of the BDB key and data key are supported
+$(BDB): $(objcbfs)/bootblock.raw.bin $(FUTILITY) bootblock_offset \
+		$(VBOOT_SOURCE)/tests/testdata/bdbkey_digest.bin
+	$(FUTILITY) bdb --create $@.tmp \
+		--bdbkey_pri $(BDBKEY_PRI) --bdbkey_pub $(BDBKEY_PUB) \
+		--datakey_pri $(DATAKEY_PRI) --datakey_pub $(DATAKEY_PUB) \
+		--load_address $(BDB_LOAD_ADDRESS)
+	$(FUTILITY) bdb --add $@.tmp \
+		--data $< \
+		--offset $(BOOTBLOCK_OFFSET) \
+		--partition $(BOOTBLOCK_PARTITION) \
+		--type $(BOOTBLOCK_TYPE) \
+		--load_address $(BOOTBLOCK_LOAD_ADDRESS)
+	$(FUTILITY) bdb --resign $@.tmp \
+		--datakey_pri $(DATAKEY_PRI) \
+		--data_version $(DATA_VERSION)
+	$(FUTILITY) bdb --verify $@.tmp --key_digest $(BDBKEY_DIGEST)
+	mv $@.tmp $@
+# Create custom bootblock.bin
+# This overrides generic pattern rule *.raw.bin -> *.bin for bootblock.bin.
+# bootblock.bin is structured as follows:
+#   +------------------+
+#   |      BDB         |
+#   +------------------+
+#   | 000............0 |
+#   +------------------+
+#   |bootblock.raw.bin |
+#   +------------------+
+# And this will be placed in BOOTBLOCK region.
+$(objcbfs)/bootblock.bin: $(objcbfs)/bootblock.raw.bin $(BDB) bootblock_offset
+	dd if=/dev/zero bs=1 count=$(BOOTBLOCK_REGION_SIZE) of=$@.tmp
+	dd if=$(BDB) bs=1 count=$(call file-size, $(BDB)) conv=notrunc of=$@.tmp
+	dd if=$(objcbfs)/bootblock.raw.bin bs=1 count=$(BOOTBLOCK_SIZE) \
+		seek=$(BOOTBLOCK_OFFSET) conv=notrunc of=$@.tmp
+	mv $@.tmp $@
\ No newline at end of file

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