1) downloaded http://code.coreboot.org/p/seabios/source/download/master/
gnostic@GnoStiC-G633:~/seabios/seabios-master$ make
Build Kconfig config file
Compiling whole program out/ccode.16.s
Compiling to assembler out/asm-offsets.s
Generating offset file out/asm-offsets.h
Compiling (16bit) out/code16.o
Compiling whole program out/ccode32flat.o
Compiling whole program out/code32seg.o
Building ld scripts (version "pre-0.6.3-20110517_170406-GnoStiC-G633")
Fixed space: 0xe05b-0x10000 total: 8101 slack: 1 Percent slack: 0.0%
16bit size: 39424
32bit segmented size: 1636
32bit flat size: 12300
32bit flat init size: 56624
Linking out/rom16.o
out/romlayout16.lds:697 cannot move location counter backwards (from 000000000000ca0d to 000000000000c9f4)
make: *** [out/rom16.o] Error 1
2) downloaded http://code.coreboot.org/p/seabios/source/download/0.6.1-stable/
gnostic@GnoStiC-G633:~/seabios/seabios-0.6.1-stable$ make
Compiling whole program out/ccode.16.s
Compiling to assembler out/asm-offsets.s
Generating offset file out/asm-offsets.h
Compiling (16bit) out/code16.o
Compiling whole program out/ccode32flat.o
Compiling whole program out/code32seg.o
Building ld scripts (version "")
Fixed space: 0xe05b-0x10000 total: 8101 slack: 3 Percent slack: 0.0%
16bit size: 38896
32bit segmented size: 1636
32bit flat size: 64828
Linking out/rom16.o
out/romlayout16.lds:695 cannot move location counter backwards (from 000000000000c9fa to 000000000000c9e0)
make: *** [out/rom16.o] Error 1
3) it's same with 0.6.2 too
gnostic@GnoStiC-G633:~/seabios-0.6.2$ uname -a
Linux GnoStiC-G633 2.6.38-8-generic-pae #42-Ubuntu SMP Mon Apr 11 05:17:09 UTC 2011 i686 i686 i386 GNU/Linux
gnostic@GnoStiC-G633:~/seabios-0.6.2$ gcc -v
gcc version 4.5.2 (Ubuntu/Linaro 4.5.2-8ubuntu4)
any suggestions?
Mustafa Tufan