Thank you Gerd,
Can I change somewhere in coreboot to make this UART port stay with original address 0x3e8, instead of 32bit MMIO address?
Sent: Wednesday, January 22, 2020 at 1:53 AM
From: "Gerd Hoffmann" <>
To: "john brown" <>
Subject: Re: [SeaBIOS] does sercon-port support for memory mapped MMIO 32bit address?

> But I can't turn on the  sercon port for boot menu. Seems that address for
> sercon is u16, only take 16bit address. I use 16bit serial port address
> for coreboot 0x3e8, it is not working.
> How to turn on MMIO serial console for boot menu?

Not supported right now. Needs non-trivial changes, sercon code might
have to switch to 32bit mode for mmio access, the registers are
out-of-reach in real mode.
