> > I ran qemu 1.0.1 and the latest SeaBIOS (from the git) with the following options :
> > qemu-system-i386 -L git/bios -fda disk.img -no-fd-bootchk -boot a -m 16
> >
> > Here is the log :
> >
https://docs.google.com/open?id=0B7mz0vq6Rpb7UE1ibjJDcEhTRWlNV050QnMyMWwtZw> >
> > Here is the floppy disk image I used :
> >
> >
https://docs.google.com/open?id=0B7mz0vq6Rpb7bHpYaEt2SnVUUi1KaWE3a3lBQUJpQQ> >
> >
> > The floppy disk is simply
a C-DOS 720 Ko floppy created by "format
> > a: /s". So it's quite empty.
> >
> > Qemu doesn't crash or freeze. But I can just type a single character
> > and the nothing else. But the system is still running (there is a
> > clock at the bottom right of the screen).
> I tracked this down. Looks like the image takes over the PS2 irq and
> keyboard handling, but then occasionally calls into the BIOS. When it
> does call the BIOS irq handler (manually), it expects the irq handler
> to enable the keyboard. Weird.
> Anyway, the patch below fixes it for me.
> -Kevin
Great ! It works for me too.
Thanks a lot,