Dear OpenBIOS folks,
The past few weeks have been silent on this mailing list, but fortunately that was not a bad thing. In fact, if you had a look at the web page, you might have noticed it already. We finally have some code now that aims toward the projects goal, creating a free implementation of IEEE-1275.
administrative -------------- The OpenBIOS website has been updated and restructured as it didn't really lead to the right direction for working on OpenBIOS. Have a look at or For ease of updates the website meta language (wml) is now used for creating the pages. Thanks a lot to Patrick Mauritz for his work. Please check the documentation links on for information on Open Firmware, OpenBIOS, Forth, ... If you miss information on the OpenBIOS web page, please drop a note to the list for an update.
Second, we have a cvs tree for the OpenBIOS project now. Access is granted read only for anonymous users and read/write for core developers. Read the information on For web access to the cvs tree go to Thanks to Armin JoLo Herbert for his efforts of finding a machine and setting up the cvs server and viewcvs.
detok ----- Detok is a an fcode detokenizer. That's a small utility that "disassembles" fcode bytecode files. It's useful for debugging purposes and it's the first part of the OpenBIOS development suite. Detok follows IEEE-1275-1994 and should work pretty stable. This component should be heavily tested as it is about feature complete. The latest release of detok can be found at
feval ----- Feval is the the fcode evaluator needed to execute the cpu independant hardware initialization part of OpenBIOS. It is able to execute simple fcode bytecode files right now, but there are many fcode words missing and it is quite a big step left before this is complete. But it is a clear base to discuss and work on. Feval is tested on IA32, IA64, Alpha, Sparc and m68k and should be endian and 64bit clean. Preliminary support for packages and properties is implemented but not yet ready for prime time. The latest release of feval can be found at
Best regards, Stefan Reinauer
* Stefan Reinauer [Dec 19. 2001 01:56]:
The OpenBIOS website has been updated and restructured as it didn't really lead to the right direction for working on OpenBIOS. Have a look at or For ease of updates the website meta language (wml) is now used for creating the pages. Thanks a lot to Patrick Mauritz for his work. Please check the documentation links on for information on Open Firmware, OpenBIOS, Forth, ... If you miss information on the OpenBIOS web page, please drop a note to the list for an update.
People who do IRC should also stop by #openbios on OPN, We've got the channel registered.
Best regards, Stefan Reinauer
-- Ok : FC RECURSE DUP 1 > IF DUP 1 - FC * ELSE DROP 1 ENDIF ; 42 FC .
:-) Maybe our project founder would elaborate on that one? Not all of us speak Forth that good (yet :)
* Mads Martin Jørgensen [011219 12:50]:
- Stefan Reinauer [Dec 19. 2001 01:56]:
-- Ok : FC RECURSE DUP 1 > IF DUP 1 - FC * ELSE DROP 1 ENDIF ; 42 FC .
:-) Maybe our project founder would elaborate on that one? Not all of us speak Forth that good (yet :)
:-) Actually it should have been a little forth word definition that calculates faculty of the given number recursively. But there were 2 mistakes in it. The correct version would be: Ok : fc recursive dup 1 > if dup 1 - fc * then ; 42 fc . (with Ok being the Open Firmware prompt)
The program can be written in a more readable way:
: FC RECURSIVE ( n -- n! | 1 ) \ This is the word definition including \ the stack diagram. DUP 1 > \ safe n and compare it to 1 IF \ if (n>1) DUP 1 - FC * \ fc(n) = fc(n-1) * n ELSE DROP 1 \ If n=1 or below (n! not defined for n<1) \ bail out of recursion. THEN ;
"42 fc ." then pushes 42 to the stack, calculates faculty and prints it.
Best regards, Stefan Reinauer
let me know if your fcode could be loaded under linuxbios instead of loading linux. I think we can save each other a lot of work.
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I was wondering if anyone would be putting together a task list and requesting developers to work on certain aspects? Basically, what can I do to help?
Regards, James
On Wed, 19 Dec 2001, Ronald G Minnich wrote:
Date: Wed, 19 Dec 2001 07:43:17 -0700 (MST) From: Ronald G Minnich Reply-To: To: Subject: Re: [OpenBIOS] Kickstarting a revolution ...
let me know if your fcode could be loaded under linuxbios instead of loading linux. I think we can save each other a lot of work.
To unsubscribe: send mail to with 'unsubscribe openbios' in the body of the message - free your system..
- To unsubscribe: send mail to with 'unsubscribe openbios' in the body of the message - free your system..
* Ronald G Minnich [011219 15:43]:
let me know if your fcode could be loaded under linuxbios instead of loading linux. I think we can save each other a lot of work.
We're quite some time away from this approach. What we definitely have to have is an almost complete fcode evaluator, so we can think about using the existing fcode capable pci hardware. There are some Adaptec SCSI host adaptors and some ATI cards that are definitely supported. A very useful thing to have would be a list of supported hardware. We also need at least some code on top of the evaluator, written in Forth. This does not have to be complete to boot an OS, but it should be able to search for expansion cards, initialize them and load the kernel or a bootloader. I'd really appreciate cooperation between LinuxBIOS and OpenBIOS. It does not make sense to invent the wheel several times. Both the lowlevel init code and the abstraction levels we are implementing now are pretty big tasks, so having more people work on both makes perfect sense.
Best regards, Stefan Reinauer
Hi James,
on Wed, 19 Dec 2001 16:36 GMT James Logan wrote:
I was wondering if anyone would be putting together a task list and requesting developers to work on certain aspects? Basically, what can I do to help?
I suggest you join us on irc - openproject servers, #openbios channel, at daytime (gmt). And after xmas :) I think it's quite good to have an online chat about it, so people can get the big picture by asking questions and discussing etc.