On Sep 25, 2010, at 6:00 AM, openbios-request@openbios.org wrote:

Message: 2
Date: Fri, 24 Sep 2010 09:25:28 -0400
From: Tarl Neustaedter <tarl-b2@tarl.net>
To: The OpenBIOS Mailinglist <openbios@openbios.org>
Subject: Re: [OpenBIOS] Help with some code
Message-ID: <4C9CA6C8.2050009@tarl.net>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1; format=flowed

 You should get in the habit of putting stack diagram comments on every line 
of code - it will help you keep track of what you are playing with. By 
convention, a stack diagram starting with $ indicates a addr,len string 
pointer, which you should use in this code for clarity.

As best I can tell without stack diagrams, you are generating strings of the 
form "foo: set-foo foo ! ; foo", and it's probably barfing on "foo:" . I'm not 
sure what this is supposed to accomplish.

What I'm trying to do is create a new word. The new word's name will be set-_variable_name_. What would be another way to create a new word inside another word? 

Replace the "eval" with a "type" and you should be able to see what it's 

I tried your suggestion, but everything looked just fine. The problem shows up at compile-time. Using this code:

variable dog

: myword
4 -> dog

What the code should create at compile-time is this:

: myword
4 set-dog

but creates this instead

: myword
4 : set-dog

The problem is with the extra colon between the 4 and the set-dog word. I need a way to eliminate it from the myword word. Other times the compiler will say the word set-dog is undefined. Any clue how to fix this problem?