The Software Engineering Process
Group ( S E P G ) Conference is the leading international
conference for software process and quality professionals who
spearhead the quality initiative for software excellence in their
This year QAI India, and Software
Engineering Institute, USA, are taking the SEPG Conference on Tour
in Asia Pac.
Software Gurus, Practitioners,
Managers, SEPG heads from several high maturity organizations (CMM
level 4 and level 5, PCMM level 5, CMMI level 5) and many others
will present their thought leadership through plenary sessions,
invited and contributed presentations, tutorials, panel discussions
and exhibits.
The conference
More than 50 world-class
tutorials on topics such as CMM Integrated,People CMM,
Six Sigma and many more will be covered across
India, Thailand, Australia, Singapore and China.
Participation by more
than 1000 professionals - CEOs, CIOs, CTOs, Project
Managers, Process Group members, Testing professionals from top
organizations in Asia Pac.
Support of 15 software
parks, 5 software associations, many government bodies such
as Ministry of Science and Technology China Torch
Program, NASSCOM & ESC and
We invite you to participate
and hear what the community has to say about "Engineering Software
Excellence” during this event. The conference is an opportunity for
professionals to:
Learn, share and exchange
ideas and learning in software quality & process with
practitioners and thought leaders from industry, academia and
Demystify the secret of
success of Indian software industry and mutually benefit
from the rich software experience of Asia Pac.
Meet and network
with potential
customers/business partners across Asia Pac.
The PDF brochure on
provides complete details including dates, registration form and the
program schedule.
registrations please visit
Should you need any additional
information on SEPG on Tour in Asia Pac, you may write to us and we
shall be pleased to provide further details.
Vikram S.
Makhni QAI India Ltd. 1013-1014, Ansal Towers,
38 Nehru Place, New Delhi-19, India Tel : 91 11 621 9792,
6220580 Fax :
91 11 621 8974 email : ,website