On Thu, Sep 25, 2014 at 1:26 PM, Hamilton, Kurt <Kurt.Hamilton@astronics.com> wrote:
To whom this may concern,

I am working with Little Board model 735, produced by Ampro, with chipset Intel ICH7M and chip “SST SST25VF016B”. The board has a linux distro installed on it. 

What I’m trying to achieve is to be able to write only very specific sections of the BIOS, and not the whole thing (I can read, write, and verify the entire flash successfully). I am not sure if flashrom can do this with layouts. So if someone changed one setting, I can read the BIOS and compare the file against a previously known good image, and only write that specific section to fix it.

I am curious as to whether this can be done with layouts some how, and would appreciate any help possible.

Can you be a little more detailed about the intended usage? From the way you describe it, it sounds like layout file should do what you need, provided you know exactly where that setting is stored.

BTW, flashrom only erases/writes content that needs to change. The default mode of operation is to read the entire ROM to obtain a reference image, and then erase blocks and write pages as needed.

David Hendricks (dhendrix)
Systems Software Engineer, Google Inc.