On Mon, May 14, 2018 at 9:48 AM, Nico Huber <nico.h@gmx.de> wrote:
Hi Ron,

On 14.05.2018 18:01, ron minnich wrote:
> anyone got the incantation to flash this with an sf100 ;-)

TLDR; If it doesn't work with current master, you can try [1].

512M, huh? what's that for, UbuntuBoot? xD

You need 4-byte addresses to access the full chip and that's rather
delicate with Dediprog (because we don't control the SPI commands
directly for read and write). The chip supports an extended address
register for the most significant byte, though it's unclear to me
if this register's state is maintained between Dediprog commands.
So it might just work with flashrom master, or might wreak havoc ;)

[1] https://review.coreboot.org/19858/

Indeed, in my experience the extended address enable got reset between commands, so the follow-up patch forced that chip to use native 4BA access mode. The patches were also based on the old 4BA access methods, so they will need to be updated to work with the new way. At the very least I think this means adding SPI_MASTER_4BA in spi_master_dediprog, but there's likely some other stuff I'm overlooking.