On Sat, Feb 21, 2015 at 4:09 PM, Stefan Tauner <stefan.tauner@alumni.tuwien.ac.at> wrote:
On Sat, 21 Feb 2015 15:19:42 -0600
Reggie McMurtrey <reggie.mcmurtrey@gmail.com> wrote:

> Not sure why patch seems mangled.  I looked at the mailing list archive to
> see what happened and it shows up ok there.  I was informed I should have
> bumped the subject to [PATCH v2].  I'll make sure to do that in the
> future.  I'll be glad to post patch again if needed.

Focus on the line breaks and number of tabs/spaces after the + signs...
clearly some kind of mangling happened.

I got to doing a little more digging and found a few issues.  I did a little research and figured out how to send patches straight from git and have that working now, will be submitting v2 in a bit.

> Programmer inits don't seem to have any specific meaning other than
> pass/fail.

Why -2 then? :)

It looks like the ft2232_spi driver uses incrementing negative numbers as a return code to give you some idea where it bailed.  Since my code was wedged off between -1 and -2 I just kept the -2.  Looks like this has been done in the past since there was already two seperate  places that returned -2 but all other return points was incremented.  I could return -1.5 if you like :)
