Good Day Flashrom People!

As you might know already, we are currently preparing an application for GSoC 2022 (also known as Google Summer of Code, FAQ). We have gathered a list of Project Ideas, and it's time to call for Mentors!
If you are interested in being a Mentor, please let us know. If you want to help, but not sure you can be a Mentor yourself, you can be a secondary Mentor. Or you can help by doing code reviews.

Have a look into our Projects ideas, are you interested to Mentor one of these projects? 
Or maybe you have another project idea that you want to mentor? Great!

GSoC runs by a timeline, check that dates are OK for you.

How to let us know if you are interested: Reply All to this email. If you are in doubt, you can contact me (Anastasia/aklm) directly.

Some more useful information:

Mentor responsibilities (short)

Mentor guides (long, lots of details)

If you have any questions, you are welcome to ask! ;)

Your GSoC Org Admin,