
the output of flashrom -V is in the file attached below. Unfortunately I rebooted the machine and can no longer provide more information. Flashrom wrote the image and then failed the comparison check (something about reading 0x000 but waiting for 0xfff, or the other way around). Even though flashrom told me not to restart the computer, it didn't actually overwrite the BIOS since I could restart the computer without problems and with the old BIOS still there.


On Sun, Feb 6, 2011 at 6:50 PM, Carl-Daniel Hailfinger <c-d.hailfinger.devel.2006@gmxnet> wrote:
Hi Alvaro,

Auf 06.02.2011 12:56, Alvaro Aguilera schrieb:
> I'm trying to update the BIOS of a P5NSLI board but the procedure failed.
> Any hints on how to correct this?

Can you please send us the output which was printed by flashrom when it

Please include the output of "flashrom -V" as well.




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