Im working with a HW unit (similar to the ICH10), that has two SPI devices connected.


enum ich_spi_mode {




                } ich_spi_mode = ich_auto;


And I cannot use the ich_hwseq (which is propsed) because the Intel Chipset is only capable of erasing:

00: 256 byte

01: 4 KB

10: 8 KB

11: 64 KB


And my flash chip, only support Sector erase/ or Bulk (but I don’t like that one) and each sector is 256kB.


So how can I proceed here? As I understand I cannot use the hw_seq and have to go for the sw_seq. But then how to handle the chip-select? When Im running the sw_seq I can only use one flash device, ..


Thanks for support


Magnus Johansson