2010/10/4 max <opendtv@yahoo.com>
I tried to run the DOS binary found here: http://khepri.coresystems.de/~idwer/flashrom/

I'll assume you used the DOS .exe from the r1181/ (which is a symlink to latest/ ) directory.

But it gave this message:

No coreboot table found.
DMI pipe open error

Are you running DOS and/or flashrom from write-protected media ?

Which variant of DOS are you using, MS-DOS, FreeDOS ?
And on what hardware ?

Is this version supposed to work?

Versions 0.9.2, r1181 and r1184 are known to work, tested by me using FreeDOS.
Something I'm doing wrong?

Are you able to paste/show the verbose output (flashrom -V) ?


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