I have it loaded on a flash drive along with doslfn (Dos long file name) so that it doesn't error out with a file not found when it tries to access DMIDECODE (which with 8.3 convention is DMIDEC~1).

First two boards that I ran this configuration on (with the jumper closed since these are HP XW9400) backed up the existing ROM without any problem and then flashed to one with the current boot block as it was supposed to.

Third board, backed up the existing BIOS and then completed the reflash with verify and immediately after passing verification threw the error.  This board is now bricked.

Fourth board throws the error immediately after doing a backup of the flash or even a simple probe.  This one I haven't flashed, so it didn't brick.

So I tried to do a rom backup and probe with one of the first 2 boards since those passed without any problem, but it also now throws the error.

It's not memory or processor since I'm using known good components.

>>> Stefan Tauner <stefan.tauner@alumni.tuwien.ac.at> 06/25/14 3:23 AM >>>
On Tue, 24 Jun 2014 22:31:15 -0400
"John Pohlman" <jpohlman@fuse.net> wrote:

> I've got a strange one here flashing an HP XW9400
> flashrom 0.9.6 running on FreeDos worked perfectly for reading and writing a bios but now it throws this error on exit along with an EIP error.
> The problem occurs on multiple boards even when doing something as simple as writing a bios dump.
> Anyone have any ideas?


what does "now" mean? Did the flashrom version change, or anything
else? Can you please post a log or at least an excerpt of one?

Kind regards/Mit freundlichen Grüßen, Stefan Tauner