The SST25VF040B was added before the new naming scheme was implemented. We did not want to break any existing software which depends on certain strings.
Ok i support your fears. it is old chip and has a small capacity.š
š {
.vendor = "SST",
.name = "SST25VF032B",
.bustype = BUS_SPI,
.manufacture_id = SST_ID,
.model_id = SST_SST25VF032B,
.total_size = 4096,
.page_size = 256,
.feature_bits = FEATURE_WRSR_EWSR,
.tested = TEST_OK_PREW, š
.probe = probe_spi_rdid,
.probe_timing = TIMING_ZERO,
.block_erasers =
.eraseblocks = { {4 * 1024, 1024} },
.block_erase = spi_block_erase_20,
}, {
.eraseblocks = { {32 * 1024, 128} },
.block_erase = spi_block_erase_52,
}, {
.eraseblocks = { {64 * 1024, 64} },
.block_erase = spi_block_erase_d8,
}, {
.eraseblocks = { {4 * 1024 * 1024, 1} },
.block_erase = spi_block_erase_60,
}, {
.eraseblocks = { {4 * 1024 * 1024, 1} },
.block_erase = spi_block_erase_c7,
.printlock = spi_prettyprint_status_register_sst25, /* TODO: check */
.unlock = spi_disable_blockprotect,
.write = spi_aai_write, š š š š š š š š š š š š š š š š š š š š š š š š/* what do i see? - this is a fetch š*/
.read = spi_chip_read,
.voltage = {2700, 3600},

for example:
if i used chip MX25L3205 and i want to change it on SST25VF032B, that i can't reprogram chip because this chip didn't have a AAI OPcodes 0xAD (i can't change opcodes in SPI controller). But i knowšmy controller has a standard codes for reading and page programming.š

Voltage can be important for external programmer usage. It's not much effort to add it, anyway.
How will you choosešvoltage for external program if you want to program MX25L6439E and MX25U6435F? What value we will write to field voltage?
Some SST25VF040B chips identify using the REMS opcode, others use RDID. Complain to the manufacturer :-)
Sorry but i can't found REMS code in documentation on this chip. Mayby you give me link on pdf and išwill be study on my free time. 8)

Support for this chip came before the new naming scheme. In the future, part names like this will be written as "EN25Q80...P" where the dot '.' is a wildcard for each letter which does not affect programming capabilities.

Ok how will you mark next chips MX25L6439E and MX25U6435F? That chips has a identical chip ID = 0x2537. if if will be MX25.64...(F) that i think it's don't readable.

With best regards Nikolay Nikolaev