Sorry if this has been gone through before but...
I've been put off by the various problems I've read about updating the BIOS on my XW9400 motherboard to support quad core processors.  There seem to be various problems ( mac addresses going awol ) and things that need to be done ( connecting jumpers etc. ) which have made me think it isn't worth it.

But - I've decided I want to give it a go...

My understanding is that I need to short out a jumper on the board - I think I know which points I have to bridge - but does anyone have a picture - just to make me feel sure I'm not going to blow the entire board up :-/

I have the latest version of flashrom - the process I think I need to go through is ... I've used 
sudo flashrom -r biosbackup.rom -m hp:xw9400
to copy the current image.
I'm assuming I have to use
sudo flashrom -m hp:xw9400 -w 7D6_0403.bin
to flash it with the 4.03 image off the HP web site.  I'm assuming that with the write enable, this will update the boot block - but will this also remove the MAC addresses - or is that some other problem people have had?

Thanks for any help.