Hello Experts,

Does flashrom utility has the capability to program BIOS in a multiple device scenario. In my case, there are two flash devices(each 4MB size) on a SPI interface. The BIOS image build tool we have builds two images of 4MB size, one for flash 1 and other for flash 2. The BIOS sits in the second flash. Now when I issue the command flashrom –w test.bin , does it program the bios region flash?? The test.bin(4MB size) in the command is for the flash 2.  Below is the flash layout.


Flash 1:

------------------------ 4MB

|  ME Region      |

------------------------ 4KB

|  Descriptors    |

------------------------ 0


Flash 2:

------------------------ 4MB

|   BIOS                 |

------------------------ (4MB – BIOS size)

|                              |

------------------------ 0


Appreciate your help.




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